Our Son

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The moment I saw him I fell in love. It was love at first sight...again of course. My dark brown eyes and his dark brown hair. It was the best thing. He was the best thing. THEY were the best thing I've ever had.
She placed him in my arms and I smiled.
"Awl." I barely got out. My voice sounded cracked. I turned toward George:
Mouth open, eyes wide, tears.
"George, look."
He was looking alright.
I gave our son to George.
He was so fascinated...so amazed by this....this being we created... This part of us we made...this....miracle of our lives. Then it hit me.... I'm a mother....a protector...a provider... This is my son. My child. Woah. George kissed his head while slowly rocking him in his caring arms. He then stopped and smiled brightly.
"He...he smiled at me." George's eyebrows moved in awe.
"George he's beautiful." Madre said wiping away a tear.
"Well done my son." Padre walked behind George and grabbed his shoulders, "Another success. Now you just have to finish what you started." He said.
"Finish what I started?" George questioned, still amazed by our sons beauty.
He looked at his father, leader of THREE generations now. Padre smirked and knodded his head my direction.
George's mouth opened a bit, "Way ahead of you father."
"My first grandchild!" Madre took our son from George, "And he's a handsome one. I'd say you two make more beauty's. I want a house full of interracial grandchildren. Oh the wonders that happen when you put two and two together." She said looking at my son. "Why don't one of you get my lovely, Tay and Gio."
I was about to get up but Padre gently but aggressively pushed me back down, "What are you doing?!"
"I-I was about to go get Tay and Gio?"
"You just gave birth 30 minutes ago! You don't need to get up!!" He semi yelled.
"Sorry." I mumbled, "I'm not used to being lazy." I relaxed myself again.
Padre went out to collect them and they all came in.
Tay ran straight to him, "My little nephew! Oh my gosh! He is sexy! George look what you did!!"
"Umm... I played a big role in that too!" I claimed.
"Yeah yeah but he is....an art work... Something that belongs in a famous museum or something."
"Whatever." I said a little offended.
"What are you going to name him?" Gio said.
I hesitated and looked at George, "George... How about George?"
"George didn't look pleased, "No...no no baby. I appreciate that but it can't be NY name. I don't- I don't....naw..how about... Gabriel?"
"That's perfect." I said astonished. "I really like that but.. I want his middle name to at least be Georgio huh?"
"That's fine babe."
Gabriel Georgio Durelli.
Gabriel Georgio Durelli.
Gabriel Georgio Durelli.
Gabriel Georgio Durelli.
Gabriel Georgio Durelli.
"I love it!" Padre said grabbing ahold of my hand.
"Yeah...me too." I said suddenly getting extremely exhausted. "Gabriel--.. Georgio..."
(7,months later)
"How many diapers are we bringing Tesoro?" George said as we both paced around the room, packing, back and forth as Gabriel cried and cried and cried and just CRIED!!!
"Gabriel I'm coming!!" I said dropping my clothes in my luggage, running towards his crib.
"C'mon babe. You could atlest foldbyour clothes so it can fit." George said folding his own clothes and placing them in his luggage.
"Then YOU pack my clothes while I handle GABRIEL!!" I yelled. They both were testing me or maybe I was testing myself but either way I was frustrated. hIGHLY frustrated. We were going back to the US to see my parents and family and explain to them why I haven't called in over a year and tell them how I met someone and had a baby. And so Tay could explain to her family what she was doing this whole time and how she ended ALL the way across the world dating all these foreign guys. And oh...she was loving it. Haven't really had any sleep since my week off after I had Gabriel, not to mention splitting time between my 3 jealous boys, Wesley, Gabriel and George. I spend time with Gabriel and Wesley gets jealous. Spend time with Wesley and George gets jealous. Spend time with George and Gabriel starts hollering. And yeah there's people in the house to help me but its seriously complicated.
"Gabriel stop crying there's nothing wrong with you!" I said rocking Gabriel while getting more and more agitated.
"Maybe he's catching the vibe from your temper." George mumbled while folding my clothes.
"I heard that! You can shut your mouth before I shut it for you!"
George huffed, "This is NOT the girl I fell in love with before."
My mouth dropped wide, "Well guess what buddy boy?! You're STUCK with me now! You should've thought about that before you picked out that dress a year ago, you ASINO!!(asshole)"
"Bae, that's not what I meant. I mean--"
"Fuck you!" I said slamming our room door with Gabriel in my hands. I walked downstairs with a baby in my hands and tears filling up my eyes. Why would he say something like that?!
"Wesley!!" I called for my only fur real friend for my get away when I'm frustrated.
There he goes running up the stairs with a leash. I guess he's used to me calling him with this angry tone because whenever I'm upset I take him out to the backyard for a walk. You'd think the backyard wouldn't be big enough but let me tell you how big that mama is...................
its big I'll tell you that. Lol
But its like a freaking magical forest with flowers that look like they're glowing at dawn. Its kind of like Sleeping Beauty. How she can just wonder around randomly in the beautiful woods but at the same time she's still at home. They have a gardner of course so the flowers are always on fleek. Lol. And my favorite part is the pretty lake they have. But some how they make the water so clear. I know somewhere in Italy they have clear water but usually you'd see kinda greenish foggy water in a lake or a pond. I usually take Gabriel out here when I'm walking Wesley so maybe when he gets older, this'll be his get away spot too. It'll be cute when I'm gone one day. Kind of like a movie.
I put the leash on Wesley and we walked out into the back.
"Your dad is an asino, y'know?" He just look at me, of course, sucked on his pacifier, and moved his eyes brows like, "yeah..I know." Even though I knew he didn't understand.
"Wesley you get me right?" I looked down but he was too busy sniffing something. But then he barked.
And barked again.
"Wesley what in the acres is wrong with you?"
But he kept barking. He wasn't much of a puppy anymore he had gotten so big but he was only a year and some months. He started going towards a part of the woods I don't usually go near. Only because there's animals over in that area and I didn't like to disturb them.
"Wesley, what now?"
He barked again and this time Gabriel started fussing.
"Shh its okay Gabriel I got you okay." He stopped fussing but Wesley just kept barking. So I looked up.....
."Wesley there's nothing there."
He made this noise like something wasn't adding up.
"He's beautiful babygirl--"
I gasped harshly and turned around quickly because I couldn't believe it if I wanted to.
But nothing was there.
So I turned back around and I swear I saw a glimpse of HIM but when I blinked he was gone.
Wesley stopped barking and I just stared that area up and down.
I pulled Wesley's leash, "C-c'mon Wesley let's go." We walked back into the house. George and Gio were taking our bags downstairs. Tay came up behind me, "I was looking all over for you. Actually I was looking all over FOR MY BABY!!" She said excitingly while taking him from my hands. He spit his pacifier out on the floor and started laughing while Tay played with him. I picked it up and put it in my mouth. Instead of taking it out I kept it in my mouth and heading towards the stairs.
"Babe..." George called.
I stopped in my tracks and huffed but I didn't turn around. "What?" I said harshly, looking like a spoiled brat with that pacifier in my mouth.
"Babe come here. You know I didn't mean it." He said as he walked to me instead, taking the pacifier out of my mouth
"Yeah but you said it though." I aimed back, crossing my arms.
"Actions speak louder than words Tesoro." He said trying to get in a hug but I wouldnt let him.
"You still said it so I don't care." I said walking up the stairs.
"I don't wanna hear it!" I slammed my door in hurt and anger."

I Fucking Hate You, But I Love You (Interracial)Where stories live. Discover now