In The Hospital

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beep beep beep beep

What the? Where am I?

"uhh nurse I think she has awaken!" a British/American voice filled the air.

"Miss Evans? Are you up sweetie?" I felt a hand swaying over my face. I tried to open my eyes but it was too bright.

"ugh! Bright light!" I squealed in a squeaky voice sounding like Gizmo from The Grimlins.

"Dim the lights will you please." a lady voice said pretty close to my face. The room got darker and I was able to open my eyes.

"Hello Miss Evans. I'm Nurse Phil and you my dear passed out in class today. Your heart rate was up TOO high and you fainted. Are you okay?"

I rubbed my eyes wondering what the hell happened for me to faint? I KNOW it wasn't running, "Yeah I am."

"Okay well you will be staying the night here to make sure everything is alright then tomorrow you will be up and ready to go home.. well back in campus okay? Press this button on this remote if you need any assistance or if you're hungry and the bathroom is right over there okay?" With that she left. The only light in the room was the lurking light coming from the curtains. It wasn't much and it made the room look pretty in a way. Kind of like a sunset. A minute it two passed by and I sighed breathing in the only peacefulness I will have for a while knowing I have to get back to school.

"What happened back there?" that same British/American voice on my left side. I was a little startled and snapped my neck towards the voice because I SWEAR I thought I was in this room alone when nurse Phil left.

"What? Who are you?"

The voice chuckled, "I'm George Durrelli."

"Oh." The room fell silent for another minute or so.

"You kind of freaked out when you saw me earlier. What was that all about?" he waited for a response but I said nothing. I couldn't say nothing. I was too busy smiling remembering what happened. This was the dude.... from my dream years ago. He shined his phone light on me and caught me smiling. oh shit!

"What's so funny?" oh his half accent tho...


"No! Tell me!"

I giggled from his cuteness.

"You have smiling problems."

-_- Tell me about it....

I stopped smiling and looked at him. I couldn't see his face but he could see mine. I gave him an evil eye WHEREVER his eyes are...Suddenly he flashes me by shining the light on HIS face and OH he's so gorgeous! I started laughing and smiling again.

"See! that's it--" he walked over towards the door and turned on the lights blinding the crap out of me.

"Tell me!"

"Okay fine! Just please turn the lights back off! It gives me a head ache!"

He turned the lights off and walked towards me and leaned in a little.

"Years ago.... i-i had this dream... about this beautiful man... and as hard as I tried and tried to look on the internet to find him and see if he was real... I only found a picture of him....and... i-it.  it was you..."

He just stared at me and holding his breath, I can feel it.

"You sure it was me?"

"I couldn't be so sure in my life."

"Oh. Thanks."

Silent room once more.

"What's your name tesoro?"


"It means sweat heart in Italian."

" Oh.... um....Quran but you can calk me---"

"Qur'an. I'll call you Qur'an."

"Ooor Qur'an. I guess that can work?"

"Its funny."

"What's funny George?"

"Because I'm an artist.... and I paint portraits of people."

"What does that have to do with anything we're talking about? And how is that funny?"

"If you would let me finish.."

"You didn't let me finish when I was saying my--"

"And I painted a portrait that looks similar to you."

". . . . ."

". . . .  "

We both just stared at each other in awkwardness. Silence. Our Eyes. The Weirdness. The Randomness among us. 0.o


Okay guys that's it for right now. Funny thing is I wrote some of this while I was in the hospital(I was getting surgery... but it was before that) n the character is also in the hospital so were both just in the hospital like a couple of crippled people. but back to seriousness.. I'm on some pills that makes me drowsy a little so I can't really finish right now

but ill try to catch up when I cab. my head hurts.




lyvs yall

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