Who's The Asshole?

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I woke up instantly!


I looked to my right and George was sleep on his stomach with his face facing away from me...Awww. On my left were our bags we had packed for the flight.

It was coming from a far. The sound of metal hitting against something. Like it was coming from the elevator or from Miss Caitlyn's house. I stepped out of bed with my left leg hesitating to pull a 'dumb girl in a scary movie' move. I turned towards George and tapped him.

"George? Georgio wake up."

"Mmmm." he moaned as if he didn't want to wake.

"Georgio I heard noi--"

The noise was closer and George shot up from bed. He looked at the door then at me.

"Babe? Stop kidding around."

"George why would I wake up this early in the morning to play with you? I'm sorry but if you didnt know I'm JUST THAT lazy."

George got up from his spot ,as so did I, and grabbed his lamp and walked slowly towards the door. I grabbed his arm and walked behind him. The closer we got the more I felt something wasn't right here.

I looked at the clock and it read 2:34.
Footsteps from the hall.

They got closer and closer and I took a couple of steps backwards trying to convince George to come with but he denied. He looked through the eyehole........................

"George step back!" I whispered.

"It could be Jay, chill." he put the lamp down.

"But why would Jay come here so ear--" He didn't listen. He opened the door and there were 2 men standing there with black suits on.

"May we help you?"

The men just stood there looking at George.

"GEORGE!!" I screamed in horror grabbing him and pulling him down to the floor. A gun shot went through his window. The men hustled in grabbing us both but we refused. George punched one dude and the other tried to grab me.

Any other person in a scary movie would scream and kick and hold on to stuff n shit like that. But me on the other hand... I go wild. I kick, I scream, I bite, use my forehead, etc. You would've thought my muscles were having a spasm and I lost total control over my body because I was going at the man like it were life or death. And it was. I don't know what George was doing but once I got the man on the ground I ran for that lamp but he grabbed my ankles causing me to fall. He got up still holding my feet trying to drag me out but I kept twisting my body every opposite way he was twisting. He ended up losing grip in my feet and I immediately got up.

"One more move and I'll shoot him!" the other man said. I froze to look at George, who was in the floor with a scratched up face and the man, standing over George, pointing his gun directly towards George's chest.

On that note, the man ,who I was fighting, tackled me to the ground. I tried wrestling for a minute but being distracted with knowing that a gun is being pointed to the chest of a heart that belongs to me, its pretty hard to fight back. I just let the man pin me down. I was still looking at that gun.

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