Man Down....well Woman actually

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I was walking down the street wiyh my pink hoodie on hoping not to be seen but not to look suspicious. I had on glasses too. I got enough to that restaurant that Tay and I went to. And there, I saw Delilah ordering fiod from the outside diner. I ran to her and hugged her with all my might.

"Delilah! Oh I missed you so!"

"Hey Annie how are you?! You look like your hiding from someone?"
Oh you case George or his father or their MAFIOSO'S see me!!

"No, only the sun....hehe it's pretty hot ya know."

"Oh well I know the PERFECT spa we can go to!!!"

"With what money?!" I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Mine silly! Plus my grandfather owns this place girl!"

"You never tolde about your grandfather living in another country. I thought he was a farmer?"

She hesitated for a second, "oh ummm.... that's my other grandfather silly. THIS one is rich." She said dragging me towarda a carpool.

I was looking out the window on the left side of the car, of course the driver is on the right which im still getting used to. I saw every inch of this place and stored it in my long term memory. Im probably never going to see this again.

"So who are you here with?"


"You mean GEORGE from college?"

"No! Thats theee-- name of my host family! The George--es--family! Yeah! Connor, Brittany, Don and Carol Georges."

"That's kind of weird. GEORGES as a last name?"

"Well you know...haha we ARE in a different country."

"So do you like it here?"

"Yeah it's cool. It has it's perks with people but it's cool. I wouldn't wanna--"

"We're here!!-- im sorry were you saying something?"

"No but....this place looks like a dump." I was staring at the most hideous old looking warehouse spa place in my entire life! It needs a GOOD renovation! Seriously!

"Oh my gawd Annie haven't you heard of 'Don't judge a book by its cover?"

"Yeah but it's not even a book?"

"Come ON! The inside is better!"

I followed Delilah into the dusty old warehouse hoping my judgment was off. And when we got in there....................


I was right.

The walls were gray and fury, covered in unlimited dust. The floors were empty but dirty from the looks of it. The only light there was was the one above us. Putting my look of confusion on the spotlight. Tye distance far out was black as night.....without the stars. The tone of this place was...dead....heartbroken...empty and gullible.

"Delilah?" I heard my echo mock me over and over but Delilah was no longer beside me.

"Delilah what's going on?"

I heard footprints from behind me but I was too afraid to turn around, I might get knocked in the I ran for it. I couldn't exit because thats where the footprints were.coming from so I just ran in the dark and misty space filled with nothing but my imagination amd hopes that I could get out of this. But when I ran, not knowing or could even see where I was going, I was stopped by arms that cuddled me and a deep voice that calmed my panicing.

"Im not gonna hurt you, I'm not gonna hurt you...."

"George?" I said fainly as fear took over my body and I began to black out.

"Im not....but she is."

A light switched on and there I saw Delilah walking towards me with a tear drop down her face, "I am SO sorry!" I looked down and saw a pocket knife in her hand. I was already almost out and as much as my conscious tried to fight back, my body

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Hey guys. Im not done I'll have more tomorrow cause even I'm excited for this. But yeah this winter is pretty rough. I just went through my first heart break with my first relationship so....but im all better kindo of.... and it was an interracial relationship :'( but we're working it out cause it was a misunderstanding or something kind of but.... :-)

I Fucking Hate You, But I Love You (Interracial)Where stories live. Discover now