College Now?

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"Yes mum?"

"QUR'AN!!!" I

ran downstairs, "YES MOM?!"

"LOOK girl you're about to be off to college and all, thinking you're grown but don't be catching no attitude like I'm not your mom!"

I smiled at the thought of going to college, " No mum. Its not like that. its just I hate it when you call my name and when I answer you don't SAY anything."

"That's why you're suppose to automatically COME HERE. Now anyways. Your dad called. He said he won't be able to come send you off but he'll call you when you're on the road okay?"

"um, Ma he does know I have a phone right? How come he couldn't tell me himself?"

"He didn't want me to tell you but he was crying over the phone." I just stood there. I guess that makes sense but who's to say he won't be sobbing all in my ear when he calls me later?

"Um okay. But Ma whose all coming?" We were driving to North Carolina. My Ma always dreamed of this day. When I first told her I wanted to go to NCSU she was all like, ' Oh my god! I can see it now! Me sending my baby off to college! Us packing up all your thing with tissue, food, new clothes, your books and paperwork! Oh My Gosh!' Yeah my Ma was wild over me going to college too. We came through together because honestly I thought since we were a low income family, there was NO WAY I was getting in college. That's until ya girl got a FULL SCHOLARSHIP! I guess begin obsessed with having a wealthy future has a benefit.

I was leaving at 6pm today. It was 3 already and I still hadn't packed up ALL of my things. Then Ma snapped me out of my thinking with the same thought, "Babe are you done packing?! Its 3 GIRL get going!"

I ran upstairs quick because Ma was going to start that 'I slap you on the ass because I'm your mother and because I can' crap! When she does that I can't hit back because then she'll start hitting me all over. She's only playing but it irritated me all the time.


"Qur'an are you driving first?" My Ma and I were finally done packing and I was ready to go. My Uncle Bobby said he was riding too since he wants to see Uncle Billy in NC. So we have two trucks riding. One is mine and the other is Uncle Bobby's.

"C'mon Uncle Bobby. We're ready to go." He got up off the couch, " I'm so proud of you Qur'an. I still remember when you were this little playing with your little Barbie's with the rest of your cousins."

I smiled at that too. I think I have a smiling problem. Its bad enough my cheeks are huge! Its like when I don't want you to see me smiling or laughing and I turn my head away, you will always see my cheeks poking out. My Ma always caught it.

We all walked towards the cars and as we drove off I waved bye to my two younger sisters and step dad. This was it! I was finally outta here!


"Miss College Girl Dear, wake up. we're here. Your Uncle is standing on the porch. Say hello." my Ma woke me up unexpectedly. As she parked in his drive way, I jumped out of the truck so fast I could've been mistaken as attacking someone.

"Uncle BILLY!!" I jumped in his arms like a little kid.

"Oh hey my little big niece! Oh you guys grow up so fast! How are you?"

"Fine." My Ma and uncle hopped out and walked up to his porch.

" How ARE you guys?" ,Uncle Billy said.

Ma said, " Oh we're doing fine. Can't believe my oldest is off to college already!"

"Yeah. I still remember them in Mama's living room doing flips and dancing to Usher's videos thinking they were Beyonce or something. Remember that Qur'an?" I blushed so hard from embarrassment.

"Yeah I do Uncle Billy. I do."

My two uncles started grabbing my things and placing it in my room while Ma grabbed Uncle Bobby's things and placed it in his room. It wasn't much. I had one more month before school started, so this gave me time to explore my area and where abouts. Once I move into my dorm its a done deal. My Ma said her goodbyes and Uncle Billy gave us a tour around his house. After that I just wanted my best friend with me.

"Hey Uncle Billy, I'm going to drive around town. Maybe even go on campus and check everything out okay?

"Sure. Please at least be back by 8. I'm starting dinner and I don't want you to miss it okay. I'm cooking cheesecake as dessert."

I jumped up like a little kid, " Eeeehhh CHEESECAKE! My favorite!" I hugged him and Uncle Bobby and ran to my truck. As I started my car I got a phone call.




"I know right. I just got my new phone since my last one broke. I miss you already!"

"I knooow! So when are you going to Illinois?"

"Tomorrow. So what you doing?"

"About to go on campus. Meet my teachers maybe."

"Ohh hope you find yourself some company this school year."

" Oh haha. But yeah that would be nice."

"I just wish for the best for you when it comes to a guy."

"How about you wish the best for yourself while you're continuously getting one like trail and error."

" Oh! Feisty much. But yeah. I guess you're right. But I'm gonna let you go because I'd be darn If I'm the reason you're on the news."

"Haha. OK. love you. bye." and with that, I started my adventure.


This chapter is kind of boring but I promise its going to get better.... *Drake voice*  just wait on it



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