Im So Screwed

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"Qur'an what are you talking about?"

"I can't" were the last sobbing words I said before hanging up, deleting his number, and throwing my phone. I was shivering in my room. It was already night and the room was dark so I really felt alone. Delilah never came home yesterday from Chalk board.... I mean Chad's house. Gemo was out and about.
How could I let him do this to me?! These were NOT my plans of coming to college!

My legs gave up on me thinking about what might happen if I snitched.....But then again... Who said he had authorities over the police.
I will.

I got up and left the room making sure to lock it before I left.

The whole time I was walking to my truck I was thinking of ways to tell the cops. I was going to let him have it!

I got to my car and started the engine.

"And where are YOU going?"

I shrieked in terror not knowing who the fuck was chillin' in my car in the dark, and how the fuck they got in. I turned on the car light and it was him....Brent.

"What are you doing in my car?!"

"But that's not what I asked you."

My face grew irritated but my mind was calm, "I was going to my uncles' house."

He crossed his legs making himself comfortable and put his hands behind his head, "At THIS time of day? Of course not."

"Yeah! This is about the only time I could go!"
For a totally honest person... that lie went pretty smooth

"Well.... I'm sure they would love to meet me dear." he smirked.

I was looking out the window thinking about how much I regretted not going to Illinois with Tay.

"No thanks."

"Well I'm sure they won't mind."


"Watch your fucking mouth!" He raised his hand, and thumped in me on the corner of my mouth. See...that's where he fucked up at. I INSTANTLY started swinging on him while screaming.

"Don't FUCKING touch me!"

With every throw he kept blocking it. That's when I got angier and started hitting harder and faster. After about 25 blocked hits I finally got one in his jaw. I stopped with both my arms on guard in case he was on some bull.

"Oh, so I guess you want me to get AGGRESSIVE HUH?!" he said while pulling a slap card smack dead on my right cheek. I screamed out. I began to scream and attack him again this time hitting my capacity of anger.
Police siren

We both froze; me, freezing in relief and him, I don't know. I immediately jumped out of my truck calling for help.

"Hayyy! Right here!"

The officer, who had pulled up behind us, got out of his car and blinded me with his flashlight.

"Are you the miss screaming around here?"

"Yes but its only because this man--"

He put the light towards my truck, "Ma'am, what man?"

I turned towards my car, which was empty, and said, "But-b- he was right there.."

"Ma'am there has been complaints of feminine screaming and you're disturbing your neighborhood."

I just huffed, "Okay but....I want to file a report on blackmail, could I?"

"For what?"

"The man that was in my car. He's trying to blackmail me but he's somehow gone."

The officer just looked at me suspiciously, "Ma'am come with me."

The officer drove me to the police station and when we got there, told me to sit down on a near by bench while he go and get the sheriff.

I sat for at least a good 15 minutes before he came back out.

"Ma'am what's your name?"


" Okay miss Qur'an the sheriff wants to speak to you." he said as he guided me to the door. When I walked in he left and shut the door. I turned around towards the desk in front of me. It was a man with blonde hair and blue eyes. His jaw line was obviously built by an angry god because its a little TOO defined.

"Hi miss Quran how are you?"

"I'm good thank you."

"You can sit."
Don't tell me what to do -_-

I sat down in the chair in front of him.

"What are you here for?"

"This man."

"Who is this man?"

"His name is Brent Yang."

"Brent Yang huh?"

"Yeah! and he's trying to blackmail me with my career and slapped me!"

The sheriff got up from his seat staring at my face. He walked towards me still staring until we were face to face.

"Hmmmmm its red I can see that he used a bit of force."

I was hesitant to even breathe.

But then...

I screamed even louder than I did earlier.

"Its kind of pathetic to go and snitch to his older brother and think I'm GPI g to lock him up!"

A tear ran down my ,now both, burning cheeks.

"Now go back home and pretend none of this even happened. I'm trying to save your ass and pretend I didn't see you here."

I got up slowly walking towards the door. Only that I had one question, I stayed, "How many of you all are there?"

He just smirked, "Its 12 of us dear."

I walked out of the building. I walked in the dark, not knowing where I was going but I was going SOMEWHERE. I heard lightening starting up, followed by thunder....and eventually rain.
This TOTALLY symbolizes how FUCKED I am!

Even though it was storming rain, I really didn't have the energy to complain about

how soaked I was.

I'd say I walked about 3 miles until I realized how tired I was. I saw lights stretching from behind me and tires pull up in a distance.

"I think you're coming with me."

I turned my head to the left to see HIM.


Hey guys I SO appreciate the votes and follow and comments. I'm reading it all but for some reason I can't comment back. Something with my email or whatever but I'll fix it when I get on a PC. But anyways Loves  I hoped you enjoy. I meant to update this earlier this week but it got deleted by accident before I could even publish it but here it is... :-)

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