Die Hard

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*footsteps in the distance*

I felt cold. Not scared cold but I was literally freezing but for some reason I felt nauseous.(idk if that's the right word) I could throw up any----- false alarm im probably just disgusted.

After I kept taking deep breaths, yet still haven't opened my eyes. I was on a cold ground that was filthy. I tried to open my eyes a bit but there was a bright light that kept me from doing that. I covered my eyes and opened them hoping to get adjusted to the light slowly. It worked but when I uncovered my eyes---

"She's awake brother."

"Oh she is? Go and tell father."

There was a girl that was standing in front of bars and a boy with a football jacket on at a desk. I couldnt make out who she was but she eventually left. I wasnt sure exactly where I was. I tried to stand up to wake up some more but as I was getting up I heard a rattle noise that sounded like it was heavy jiggling keys. I got up and ran to the bars but instantly fell from someyhing holding me back. I looked at my right ankle and it were chains attached to it.

"No-no-NO!!! Wait!" I crawled to the bars and grabbed onto it looking at the boy at the desk.

"Please! Get me outta here! I didn't do anything!"

The boy's back to facing towards me so I couldnt see his face bit he looked familiar.

"Shut up and die."

"Wait! I know where the money is!"

"What money?!"

"Oh you KNOW what money?!"

"The HELL are you talking about girl?!"
Shit! It didn't work!

I know that might've been stupid to do, but my sister always thought it was funny and thay it might get you out of a situation like this so it never hurts to try.

But I still needed to find out who he was.

"Dude....why are you here?"

"Cause my father ordered me to be here."

"Is he controlling you...cause it looks as if you'd rather do football."

"Yeah....he thinks its stupid but what's it to you?!"

"Well maybe you should take a stand and rebel for what YOU believe in...cause in the end...it's YOUR life. Your dad can't live it for you."

"You know what....you're right!" The boy turned around and--


"It's CHAD!!!! And darn it you're right! He's NOT gonna live my life and im NOT gonna let him!"

"That's the spirit now let's go and play football!"

"Yeah! Let's go!"

Chesterton grabbed the keys and opened the bars, then he unlocked the chains and I was free. BUT I'm not THAT dumb... so I tackled Cheeseballs to the ground and locked him in the cage and closed it....taking the keys with me.

I ran the opposite way the girl went and I was facing some stairs when I turned the next corridor. I darted up the stairs and there were two doors going to two different hallways. One with guards hanging out and the other was pitch black. This one was a no brainer for me... I mean im not THAT dark but I can disappear in the dark. So I went for it. I didnt 'slowly walk being aware of my surroundings' I RAN!

But for some reason I started to pant reeeaally quick....this isn't normal! Tgen I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I held on to it hoping it'll stop but I was still jogging. What the f--- I totally stopped in my tracks trying to figure out why in the world is there warm substance coming out of my--- DELILAH! That backstabbing son of a--
*door open from down the hallway*

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