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"She's okay. Just some broken ribs and her left arm is broken."


"When will she wake up?"

"... soon but im not sure but I do know that she's okay."

"Hay can you guys give me a minute?"

*feet walking out*

*footsteps getting closer*

"Um....Tesoro.... I'm not sure if you can hear me but....I just wanted to let you know that.....I love you... dont you ever run away from me like that. I wish I knew where you were. Dammit.....I should've put a tracking device in your phone so I'll know where you are at all times...just so I will know that you're safe. I care about you so fucking much! I'd kill for you....and in fact, I did. Delilah didn't fall for nothing. I uh.... found out.....you're um.... let's just say you'd be a great mom. And im here to protect the both of you baby. Even my family. My father has to deal with it because you're the girl I want....no... you're the Woman I want. The lady of my-- art work. Of my mind. I created my ideal version of a woman and you're here.... you're real. I hope one day we can... drop everything and just build a kingdom. Our kingdom... because I love you and I know you feel the same. No matter how many times we've argued or whatever. I won't let anyone tell me different."

*long pause*

"I want you to keep that. So you'll be safe. You're mine."

*kisses forehead and walks out of room*
One week later

I could hear myself breathing. I didn't know where I was. What was going on... I tried moving my fingers but they didn't seem to move. But I could move my feet tho. I opened my eyes the furthest I could...which was nothing.... but I could still see in blurs.

"Doctor...doctor...She's awake." A feminine voice echoed in my ear.

"Here I'll check on her."

"But you're not her doctor?"

"But I'm A doctor. NURSE, Now please step out."

*door closes*

"Your ass is lucky you survived that fall. If it wasn't for your boyfriend you'd be dead by now."

I could barely see what he looked like. He flashed a light in my eyes.

"You seem fine."

*looks at clipboard*



I forced my eyes to see clearer and they did. It was my worst nightmare...

"Babygirl you're pregnant.....but.... didn't I tell you to stay away from him? You just DON'T listen"

I tried to scream but I could barely... it was a tiny squeal.

"Shut up no one can hear you babygirl. You're coming with me!"

He unlocked the bed wheels and put a towel in my mouth, then put a cover over me. I tried to move the best I could but my left arm was occupied with a brace and I couldn't get total control over my right. I felt something in my brace though. I tried to look down at it.....a phone.....George!!!

After getting out the hospital I could hear a truck being started.

"It's her?"

"It's her."

He put the bed in the back on the truck and it drove off. I tried to move the cover off of my face by pulling it with my feet. When it was off, it was dark. I looked up and there was Brent talking with a familiar face. The police officer!! That sheriff I met thinking he was going to help me!!! That bitch!!

I started to gain feeling in my body so I took the towel out.

"So what are we going to do with her Brent?"

"Well she's pregnant... I say we keep her until it comes.. then we kill her.... I'll adopt the baby... teach it how to live life under MY rules. She deserves it anyways. Black people are so damn stubborn!

I tried to slowly sit up without them noticing but it was extremely painful. I moved my right hand to see it there was any aquipmeny neat by. Lucky me I found some scissors on the side of the bed. What were they doing there?

I decided to wait until we got to our destination to pull anything because we were driving and I refuse to die in a car crash with Brent.

We finally stopped and I put the cover over my face and pretended I was sleep.

*door opens*

"Aww she's sleep isn't that cute." Said the sheriff.

"Or she's still knocked from the pain drugs. Now help me get this thing out of here."

They took my bed out of the back of the truck and rolled it inyo a building but then stopped. They slowly lifted the cover and I stabbed the sheriff in the eye. He screamed and I went for Brent. I aimed for his chest but he moved and I only stabbed him in his shoulder. He fell down and both were bleeding. But I think I killed the sheriff. I got up no matter how painful it was and I took the keys from the sheriff and ran for it. More like jogging because I was in so much pain but I ran for it. I got in the truck and started it but soon enough Brent popped up at the window and opened my door. I started to drive the truck but because I was on the other side of the world, all of the driver's seats were opposite of ours so I had a little trouble. I was only driving with one hand but Brent was hanging on to my right arm so I pushed on the gas harder. He fell but I was swerving out of control down the road. It was really dark and there were little if no lights on the road. I saw lights coming towards me and I panicked. I swerved but I crashed. It all happened so quick and I couldn't see anything.

I woke up and the horn was going off and I had blood all over my face. I heard my door open and someine grabbed me aggressively.


Hey guys.....im sick :-( hope you like it.....

I Fucking Hate You, But I Love You (Interracial)Where stories live. Discover now