The Day

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"Darling?" A voice wifted in the air as i sat at the mirror on a white stool. "Yes?" I responded to my almost mother-in-law. I stared deeply into my reflection of the mirror. I wanted to see my heartbroken soul this family ever so loved. I wanted to look deep inside it and learn who i truly was. I got lost in my galaxy-made eyes covered in a sweet light coat of mascara. The world began to drift and i began to pull away from reality.
Is this really what God had in mind?
My thoughts rushed through my unsolved head as Madre walked upon me, "Miele, what's on your mind now?" She voiced so gently yet disgustingly tiresome. I continued to look at my nonchalant self. I felt like crying. I blinked before a tear could come forth and i looked down occupying my dress.
I whispered, "I just, i just don't know about this?... its too weird to be real." I looked at myself again and i fixed my bangs, "i mean... for all i know... this could all be fake. I could wake up in my small room back in St. Louis and this would all be a dream.... just like every other dream. I dreamt of George years ago but.... no one ever said he'd actually be real.... Even my friend said he'd probably be dead when i searched for him. This is just too much of a fairytale to me."
She snickered, "i don't think fairy tales end with falling in love with a mafioso..., then becoming your own mafia boss. That's a little extreme."
I chuckled at what she said... but i then stopped, "I don't know how to tell if this is a dream or not. What if it is... and none of this ever happened.... you and Padre never happened, George never happened..... Gabriel....." i let out my breath after saying my son's name and thinking if he was real or not.
She placed a hand on my shoulder, "So you're implying that it's too good to be true?"
"Yeah, you feel me?"
She smiled, "No Miele, i don't feel you honey." She grabbed my shoulder and sat down on the stool with me. You know, when i married George's father..... way past 30 years ago... i questioned not him....but the existence of our love. I didn't think it was real for someone so ongoing and able... to love a heart like mine..... and you know what he told me?"
I was readying myself for a heart moment speech Madre always finds her self telling me about.
"He said don't be stupid ya dumb bitch."
I had to take a repeat and encode what the he'll she said.
"Wait, what?!" I gave her the Chris Young look like '???'
She laughed hysterically and added, "I'm only teasing sweetheart. He told me.... be confident in what is and what will be.... forget what was..."
To be honest it kind of sounded like some Drake bullshit... but I know Madre and she's more of a French listener although she IS French herself.
"But my question is.. how do I know that this is now and yet will be?" I turned towards her heart shaped face in astonishment. What was she trying to say?
She grabbed my face in a manner so sweet and delicate I almost believed she was my own mother and in that moment it felt as if Mother Mary came down herself and touched my face with her glowing hands, like she was telling me that everything was alright.
"If now is here, live it to the fullest, for you may never get a chance again. This is your fantasy, too good to be true or not. If it's a dream then live it up like it will then be once upon a dream. Not every princess gets a fairytale. You only live once darling." And after that she kissed my forehead and walked out....
See I KNEW she was onto some Drake shit!!! I know my music I swear!!!
I stood up and looked out the window.... there he was speaking with a man who looked familiar yet i didn't know. He had black curly hair in the style George had his but longer. I couldn't tell what color eyes he had but both being in a black suit, they looked like twins. They both had that strong jawline that Padre did and the same smile he did too.
That's when it hit me...
Vince!!! His brother Vince!!!
I had never seen this guy so it was amazing to me to see how real he was standing right outside my door. Vince Durrelli. Woooowww!
"Ahh... boss?" I turned around to a spiffy looking Marco standing in my doorframe.
"Well look at YOU Marco!" I smiled as he blushed hard.
"You have some company that suggests you to finish up your touches." He said while battering his blue eyes.
"Marco that was weird." I said while awkwardly smiling. He walked out and in came Tay.
"Hurry the hell up! You need to be walking down those flowers in 5 minutes! Put your tiara on! Where's your bouquet?!"
"OKAY girl DANG!"
I looked back out the window and it was then only Padres and Vince. Padre had his hand on Vince's shoulder and he was firmly speaking to him. Vince had a grimace on his face and snatched Padre's hand off him. He yelled in Padre's face and walked off. Padre shook his head and walked off with his hands in his pocket.

"Okay so you're sure I'm not gonna fall? Where's my son? Is George at the Alter yet?!"
"Cool down bambini! Everything is alright." Padre held my hand as we were ready to walk down. He was walking me down.... this was it... instead if the traditional wedding song, Photograph by Ed Sheeran was playing. I know it may seem weird but as surprising it is... i preferred it.
It was nice and pretty.... the song was a little emotional and sad but it was alright..... because everything was okay....
As we walked further into it, he, George Durrelli, the guy of my dreams, stood there astonished and even more amazed I've ever seen him. He he was, a brown curly head intelligent guy who didn't know what he was missing in life who also so happened to be a mafioso, marrying a goofy lost little girl from a nit so well neighborhood hoping to complete her dreams of becoming successful. And although architecture didn't come first, family did; giving me the strength to move in in life and complete those goals with a backbone of her new and old living family. It made that girl realize that success isn't money, power, and wealth... but happiness at its finest. And the best part is that girl was destiny drove us here... and now we can finally mend and intertwine our lives together. It's funny because it's like all those years i was waiting on something.....anything to fulfill my well being... all those years watching everyone else's love life check off the list... me... sitting there lost every Valentine's day... not relating to anything in that matter....lonely... i was lonely i really was. Never wanted to admit it but it was true.
Finally i arrived at the alter, already had a tear drop, staring into his daring green eyes. It seemed as though he was looming for something.. but whatever it was i hope he found it because I'm here... dream or reality I'm here.

I Fucking Hate You, But I Love You (Interracial)Where stories live. Discover now