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 "Elijah, please make sure your father picks up Bella from the airport in Port Angeles tomorrow. I don't want her there all by herself. You make sure to look out for your sister while she's living there. Don't let anything happen to my baby." Renee demanded into the phone. God forbid anything happen to precious Isabella Marie Swan. She maybe my little sister, but she is nothing but a pain in my ass.

"Yes mom. I'll make sure everything goes fine with Isabella while she is here and you and Phil are traveling." I say and hurry to get off the phone. Renee may have been the woman to give birth to me, but she is no mother of mine. She left dad and I when Isabella was three months old and I was only two. Isabella has always been her favorite no matter what Renee says. If she loved me as much as she says she does then she would have tried to take me with her or at least tried to be a little more involved in my life. She didn't even bother to come to my graduation!

I walked out the door and climbed into the passenger's side of the cruiser where dad was waiting. We were making our tri-weekly run to the diner in town. Neither dad nor I could cook worth a shit and this was a better option than killing ourselves with food poisoning. The ride was quiet as usual since both dad and I weren't very talkative people. Growing up with the quiet and stubborn police chief of the great metropolis of Forks as your only biological parent tended to do that. Billy and Harry tried to help with this, but only succeeded in teaching me Quileute history, how to be an expert fisherman, and how to fix cars.

"So what did Renee want?" Dad asked as we pulled left onto the main drag through town.

"She wanted me to make sure you pick up Isabella on time tomorrow so she isn't by herself in the city and to pound it into my head that I am to watch out for my sister and to make sure nothing happens to her baby." I said exasperated. This is the most Renee had called me in years and all because she was worried about Isabella. Not because she actually wanted to talk to her son. The last time I had seen my mother was at her wedding. I didn't want to go, but dad said it would be wrong for me not to be there and that Renee would throw a fit if I didn't show and that it just wasn't worth the fight.

Sadly I couldn't deny who y mother was. Unlike Isabella who had dad's hair and eye color, I had mom's red hair and my eyes were a hazel, caught between mom and dad's eye color. Luckily, I had dad's jaw and height so there was n doubt that I was his kid. I stood proudly at six foot two, I was told by my ex-girlfriend that the tall quiet type was a major turn on. Though it never helped me with the girl that I actually wanted date, she was into the tall dark and handsome type, also known as Sam Uley.

"Renee acts like Bella is still a child." Dad said with a shake of his head as he turned into the diner. I nodded along with him and walked into the diner. We walked to our usual table and sat down; it wasn't long before Katie to the table with a cup of coffee and a coke.

"The same as usual?" Katie asked as she set the drinks on the table. I nodded my head as dad gruffly answered her in the affirmative. She smiled and left to put the order in.

"So how are your classes going?" Dad asked before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Alright. The sergeant said that with the training I'm getting under you and the deputies that I'll be able to graduate early." I said and dad nodded.

"I know I don't say this enough, but I'm proud of you, Eli." Dad said and I gave him a small smile.

"Thanks dad. But I can definitely say that I learned from the best." I said and dad smiled at me. It only lasted a second, but that was all that mattered. We didn't show a lot of emotion, it was a little foreign to us. It was definitely going to be an experience having a girl in the house. It would be funny to watch dad adjust to having a teenage girl in the house.

"What are you smirking about?" Dad asked as he continued to drink his coffee.

"You. Having a teenage girl in the house." I said and dad groaned.

"You know she's gonna freak about having to share the bathroom with two guys?" I asked as I added a little to the torture. Katie decided at that time to come out with our food. We thanked her and started to eat.

"Are you still going fishing this weekend with Billy and Harry?" I asked as I took another bite of my food.

"I was figuring to. Are you going to come with us?" He asked.

"I was figuring to, but it depends on the load of school work I have." I said and dad nodded.

"You don't think it will be too soon after your sister gets here to leave her home and go out?" Dad asked a little worried.

"It'll give her time to get used to the things in the house without us there. This way it's not like we're looking over her shoulder all the time. It will be a source of freedom." I said giving my shoulders a shrug. Dad nodded as he contemplated what I was saying.

"Billy offered to sell me his old truck, so Bella would have her own source of transportation." Dad said as he finished his plate.

"The old red Chevy that you couldn't take out with a nuke?" I asked, I had helped Jacob rebuild that truck after Paul and Jared had ditched me to hang out with the one and only Sam Uley.

"Yeah, that truck. With her being so accident prone I think it's a good idea." Dad chuckled and I nodded in agreement.

"Any word about Leah?" Dad asked cautiously. I took a deep breath. After Sam Uley disappeared for two weeks he came back a different person. He came to a summer party after he reappeared and suddenly was all about Leah's cousin Emily. He broke Leah's heart and I had spent the last six months trying to help fix it. If I ever saw him again he would be getting a piece of my mind.

"She's still upset and I don't think that's going to change any time soon." I sighed and finished my drink and leaning back into the chair. Dad nodded and did the same.

"Any news about Kerry?" Dad asked and I stiffened.

"Last I heard she had a new guy and was living with him somewhere in Seattle. I say good riddance." I said. That crazy bitch drives me crazy with her popping in and out of my life. We had to change the locks after I broke up with her after dad and I came home from a day of fishing and she was sitting on the couch waiting for us and pretty much threw herself at me. I shivered at the thought.

"I never liked her. She always seemed to have a screw loose." Dad said and I chuckle.

"That's an understatement." I said and we paid the bill and left a good tip before heading back to the car to head home. Dad would have to leave early to make it to Port Angeles in time to pick up Isabella and that would give me a good amount of time to get down to La Push to hide till I had to come home.

Having been raised by different parents, Isabella and I hadn't spent much time together, but we never got along when we were together. She was a spoiled princess and we both knew it. I was already looking for a place of my own to get out of dad's, but with Isabella now coming to town. The pace of my search had increased tenfold. I wanted out of the house. The only down fall would be that I wouldn't see dad that much outside of work. Oh well, everyone must give a little to get a little, I guess.  

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