Telling Dad

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 When I woke in the morning Leah still had my head cradled to her chest. I shifted and her grip got a little tighter before releasing. I looked up to see Leah looking down at me with a sad smile. I shuffled up the bed and wrapped my arms securely around her waist before giving her a sound kiss on her lips. I pulled back and gave her a sad smile back before tucking my head in her hair while running my hands up and down her back as her's did the same to me. I relaxed a little and pushed all thoughts of yesterday from my head for just a couple more minutes of peace.

"Thank you." I said as I pulled back a little from Leah. She pulled back a little more to get a clear look at my face before she hugged me to her again.

"There's nothing to thank me for, Eli. I know you would have done the exact same for me." She said and I nodded resting my hands on her waist. She leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss on my lips before she got up and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I slowly got up from my bed and glanced at the clock. It was only seven in morning and I already knew it was going to be a hard day. Dad would be home around twelve and I would most likely have to tell him. I doubted Isabella ability to tell him without breaking down and worrying him more than the news would.

I grabbed a shirt and a pair of jeans. I am immensely grateful that I don't have to go today, that today is my day off. I slowly made my way down stairs and down the hall to Isabella's room. I slowly opened the door to see that Isabella and Angela were asleep on the bed. I sighed and quietly closed the door behind me before walking back down the hall into the living room. I sat down and put my head in my hands, I don't know what to do. How was I supposed to tell dad that his grandson had something wrong with his heart and that his daughter wanted to give him to me? How would I raise a kid? I had never been around young kids, I had allows been around kids my own age. Paul was an only child and Jared had an older sister. I had no experience with babies or little kids. The only thing I did know how to do was change a diaper because they had taught us in school.

I sighed as I sat up. I could hear the shower running upstairs as Leah showered and I doubted that Angela had called her parents last night. I got up and got the phone from the hook before calling Pastor Webber. It only took two rings before someone answered the phone.

"Hello?" Pastor Webber answered. He sounded worried and I felt guilty that I didn't make sure Angela called her parents to let them know she was here.

"Hey, this is Elijah Swan. I just wanted to let you know that Angela stayed the night here with Isabella. I'm sorry that I didn't have her call last night or call last night myself, but it was a hard day." I said and I heard a relieved sigh on the other end of the phone.

"We were so worried about her last night. Thank you for calling and letting me know she's alright." He said.

"No, I'm sorry. You should have been called last night." I said and ran my hand down my face.

"I take it there is a reason behind Angela spending the night." He asked and I sighed as I leaned back into the couch. Dad and I had never been close with the Webbers, rarely going to church instead being out on the water with a rod and reel, but he was a good man and was a well respected man.

"We got some bad news yesterday and I didn't know how to help Isabella. Angela understands her better than I do and she really helped." I said.

"Well I'm glad that she could help. I'll put Charlie, Bella, and you in my prayers." He said and I thanked him.

"I'll make sure she eats before she heads home." I said and we ended the call quickly after that I stood up and caught Leah standing on the stairs when I turned toward the kitchen. I stopped and looked at her.

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