Turning the Page

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 I took Isabella and dad out for Isabella's birthday last night and got my way when I said the boyfriend was not allowed. Isabella had been moody about it but had eventually given up thinking I would give in. I had taken them to the diner where Aggie gushed over Isabella and reminiscing about when she used to come in with dad and I when she was little. Dad and I enjoyed watching Isabella go tomatoes red before we diverted Aggie's attention back to getting us food and drinks. I had planned tonight to take Isabella out and give her my gift because I knew she would be inseparable from the boyfriend and his family tomorrow after school for her actual birthday. We may not be close but I still care enough to acknowledge her birthday, I got her a necklace with a big letter 'I' and had paid extra to get a small swan pendant that hung on the same chain. I was glad she act least acted like she liked the gift when I gave it to her. No matter what happened down the road with that leech she would always belong to the Swan family and I hope she would take this necklace with her.

Tina had been right about my walking soon. Two days before Isabella's birthday I was able to get rid of the damn chair and given a crutch to help steady me when I walk. I was given instructions that I couldn't stand for more than ten minutes and I still had exercises to do to get back the rest of my strength. Tina said I would still have to push off taking the final part of my test until at least November but I could still take the written and psych test at the end of the month with the rest of my class. Leah and Aggie about fainted when I walked into the diner after being given the crutch. They had hurried me into a seat and demanded to know what had gone on during my therapy session and were ecstatic to hear I was out of the chair for good.

Today was Isabella's actual birthday and I was pretty much avoiding Forks till the game later when I would go over to dad's. He said that we didn't see each other much outside of work and this was how we were going to make it up by sitting on the couch and ordering in. Till then I was going to take target practice and visit Billy. I planned on organizing a fishing trip for this weekend to make up for the trips I had missed while in the hospital and in the damn chair. I was about half way through target practice with my hand gun when Sam and Paul came out of the trees. I set the gun down and took off the ear muffs.

"It's good to see you back on your feet Eli." Sam said as he got closer. I smiled and nodded my head looking down at the crutch I was leaning on.

"Sure is come on inside. I'll get some coffee going." I said but he stopped me before I could turn to head to the house.

"No we just came by to see what you were shooting at and check on some rumors we've heard around town." Paul said and I had an idea about what they wanted to talk about. I nodded and made my way to a log a couple feet away and sat down.

"So this is about my sister?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Yep." Paul said and sat down next to me on the log.

"What is she doing now?" I asked and Sam smirked.

"Heard she was still getting closer to the bloodsuckers and wanted to make sure she hadn't run off with his sparkling ass yet." Paul said as he looked my gun over. I laughed at that.

"From what I've seen and heard from dad she's still getting too involved with them. But no she hasn't run off with that sparkly dumb ass. At least not of last night, I took her out for her birthday." I said and Sam nodded.

"You know with her knowing so much she's in serious danger? That they'll have to change her eventually? You're going to be stuck in the middle of a war Eli when they bite her." Sam said and I looked up at him.

"No, once she's made her decision and she's changed, she will no longer be my human sister. She will be a threat to everyone around her just like that Cullens are. She will no longer be my problem; I will not get in the middle to keep the pack away from the Cullens. This is beyond me; all I ask is that after she finds out about all you. Is that she never knows that I know. I want her to think she has no one from her human life to turn to and I can grief and not lie to my father's face when I say I have no idea about where she went when she disappears because I know that if she does she'll use me as a go between for dad and it will only hurt him more." I said and got back up from the log, taking my gun from Paul and getting the ear muffs. Sam nodded and looked a little taken by what I had just said.

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