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Today I was finally getting out of this hell hole, although it was a little bittersweet. They had neglected to tell me till yesterday that I would in a wheel chair till my pelvis had a chance to heal. Yesterday was spent teaching me how to move around in the chair, how to get in and out, and getting the gloves so I would be able to move around by myself without getting blisters on my hands. Sue and Leah had taken it upon themselves to become my nurses. Leah was in moving into my spare bedroom till I was I was fully healed and could take care of myself again.

"You ready to go?" Leah said as she poked her head into the room. I grabbed my bag and set it on my lap.

"I was ready the day I woke up to get the hell outta here." I said and rolled towards her. She smiled and pushed me out to the Sue's car. I hoped in the passenger's side and Sue put the chair in the back. Leah got in the back seat while Sue drove. I shocked when we got to the house. Harry, Seth, dad, Billy and Jake where all out front. Sue got the chair and brought around, Leah tried to push me but I shooed her off and wheeled over to them.

"What are you all doing here? I knew you got better things to do then hang around here." I said and they moved out of my line of sight. There was now a ramp that came out a few feet from the bottom step. I hadn't thought about the front steps and the challenge they would pose.

"It's easily removable too. When you get back on your feet, you'll still have your stairs." Jake said and I smiled.

"I'm gonna guess that this was your work?" I asked and he smiled. I stuck my hand out for a shake and thanked him.

"So Billy." I said as I wheeled around to look at him. He raised an eyebrow and waited for what I was going to say.

"How fast can I get this thing to go and when can we race?" I asked and everyone bust out laughing.

"Glad to see you're not letting this keep you down." Billy said and patted my shoulder.

"I figure I'll be on my feet soon enough. Might as well enjoy the benefits while they last." I said. I wheeled back to the car and grabbed my bag from Sue.

"Come on in. No sense stilling out here it's gonna rain." I said and rolled up the ramp. We sat around and talked for a while. Sue made dinner; I don't know where she got the groceries. They all started to leave after dinner. Leah ran home to get some of her things. It was a good thing the house had four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Two beds and a bath downstairs and the same upstairs. Leah would be staying in whichever room she chose and I would be sleeping on the couch. It was lower and would be easier to get on and off of from the chair.

"So I have to leave at five for the diner and mom will be here at seven till I can get back from the diner." Leah said as she came in the door with a couple bags.

"You can take whichever room you want." I said and gestured toward the hallway. She walked down the hall and walked into the room at the end of the hall near the back door.

"If you want you can lock the doors. I never have a problem with them unlocked but if you felt safer that would fine." I said and Leah nodded. She locked the back door but didn't lock the front. I turned on the TV and flipped it to a rerun of NCIS. We watched as Gibbs beat a suspect around in the box after they brought him in on gun smuggling.

"Leah can you go up to my room?" I asked.

"Sure. What do you need?" She asked and stood.

"There's a lock box on the top shelf of my closet. Could you bring it down here?" I asked. She nodded and headed up the stairs.

"It's gonna have some weight to it, be prepared!" I called to make sure she didn't drop it when she realized the weight of it. She brought it down and looked confused as to why I would want this box. She set it down in front of me. I picked up the box and placed it under the coffee table.

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