Everything's Alright

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 I spoke to Emily the next day and she was enthusiastic about the idea of watching Alex. Dan and I had the earliest shift in the morning that allowed me to be home earlier in the evening. Leah was working the morning shift at the dinner with Aggie and Henry. I would wake up to feed and dress Alex before taking him to Emily's and heading to the dinner for breakfast. After work Leah picked Alex up and I came home to Alex in the jump seat watching Leah cook dinner.

It had become our routine and I admit that I kind of enjoyed it. Kim and Jared, Sue and Harry, Sam and Emily, Jake and Billy, and even Paul had come by to visit Alex. The only person that hadn't met him was Isabella. She was back in school and had started back at her job at Newton's. Isabella's nightmares have continued and the little sleep dad was living on was wearing him down and everyone could see it. He had even turned to sleeping pills, but after a few nights he couldn't take them for fear that he would sleep through a call from the station.

Today I had planned a night off for Leah and I. Sue was going to watch Alex while Leah and I went out to dinner at a restaurant in Port Angeles a movie that Leah had wanted to see. Her birthday was this weekend and I knew that Sue wanted to have her over to celebrate, so we were going to celebrate a little early. Leah had been my rock since my accident and she deserved a night off more than anything.

I had everything set up with Sue. She would come over to the house about the time that Leah got home with Alex and prevent Leah from making dinner while I finished my shift. I would come home and coax Leah into dressing up and going out with me. I knew she would ask a lot of questions and I had prepared for all the possibilities that I could think of. No matter her protests Leah was going to enjoy tonight.

I got let out of work early and quickly made my way to the flower shop in town. I picked up the bouquet of pawpaws and rhododendron that I had ordered earlier this week. The pawpaws are a burgundy color and rhododendrons are white. They are Leah's favorite flowers and can only be found here in the Pacific Northwest. I made my way to the house and saw Sue and Leah's cars out front like I was expecting. I quietly made my way inside and past the kitchen where Sue had Leah distracted with Alex on her lap. I hurried to change into a nice set of clothes that I had stashed in the downstairs bedroom and went out the back door. I got the flowers from the truck and rang the doorbell.

"What are you doing ringing the bell?" Leah asked when she opened the door. I smiled and handed her the flowers.

"Oh, Eli! They're beautiful! Thank you!" She said giving me a tight hug before her lips connected with mine.

"Happy Early Birthday, babe." I said when we pulled apart. She smiled and gave me a quick kiss then moved back to the kitchen to get a vase and some water for the flowers. Sue smiled and winked at me from the table and I smiled back.

"Leah, why don't you get ready and you and Eli can go out tonight. I'll watch Alex." She said and looked between Sue and I before walking out to get ready.

"Thanks Sue. I really appreciate you watching him tonight for us." I said and she smiled.

"It's no problem, Eli. He'll be an angel while you're gone. Won't you Alex?" Sue asked as she brought him up and gave him an eskimo kiss causing him to giggle. I showed Sue where all the things for Alex were while we waited for Leah to get ready. We were sitting at the table when Leah made her entrance down the stairs. She was wearing a dress that brushed her knees in a light green with silver high heels. She had applied a little makeup and had done her hair in a neat twist at the back of her head. She looked gorgeous.

"You look gorgeous, babe." I said before giving her a soft kiss on her lips and taking her hand in mine.

"Thank you." She said with a bright smile before hugging Sue and giving Alex a kiss and walking out the door with me to the truck. I helped her in before going to over my side and driving away from the house.

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