In Law

911 20 3

Leah more than made up for our interruption before we went home to clean up and she left for the training with the leeches. In was odd waking to a quiet house. I was used to waking alone when she had patrol, but today her spot of the bed wasn't even warm. I hated what was happening I hated that my sister and her precious bloodsuckers were putting everyone I care for in danger. And more so the whole state of Washington! Why couldn't the Cullens have stayed away the first time they left or better yet hadn't moved here four years ago?

Instead of thinking about the things that I couldn't change I got up and got dressed. I hadn't been to the diner in a while and decided that I would go have breakfast before picking Alex up and heading to Emily's where everyone would be gathering for lunch. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door only to almost walk into Paul on the porch. I was surprised to see him and he seemed surprised that I almost walked straight into him.

"Hey, Paul. What's going on?" I asked when I realized who he was.

"Hey, Eli. Nothing thought you would want some company since Leah's on patrol and Alex is at Sue's. Thought the house would be a little lonely for you." He said and I smirked.

"Yeah, sure that's why you came. Actually I was going up to the diner. Wanna come?" I asked holding up my keys.

"Sure, sounds good." He said with a shrug and we both got in the truck.

"How was the 'training' last night?" I asked as we headed out to the highway toward Forks.

"Informative. The pixie fought her mate with her eyes closed and won." Paul said with a shake of his head. On the way to Forks we talked about the training with the Cullens the night before and what the pixie had revealed about the battle.

Aggie was so excited to see me when I walked through the door. She squealed as I came through the door and hurried to come hug me. I smiled and hugged her back. Paul smirked at me and walked around us to the bar to wait.

"Oh, Eli! You haven't been in for so long! How are you? How are Alex and Leah? Is she doing better?" I smiled as she rambled on. Most of the diner was staring at us and the regulars smiled and gave me a wave.

"We're all fine. Everything's been an adjustment, but its working. Alex is starting to sit up on his own." I said and she smiled.

"How old is he now? He's got to be getting so big?" Aggie questioned.

"Five and a half months and getting bigger every day." I said. She smiled and shooed my off to the bar with Paul before going to refill a customer's coffee.

"She's a little enthusiastic." Paul said with a smirk.

"She was friends with my grandmother when she was alive. She looks out for dad and I almost like an aunt for dad and grandmother for me since gram died a couple of years ago. You remember her don't you? She thought you were a cute kid and always brought over the lemon bars that you liked so much." I said.

"Yeah I remember. She always threatened to take me home with her and fatten me up because she thought that I was too skinny." He said with a smirk. I chuckled and shook my head. Aggie came and got me my coffee and took Paul's order before heading into the kitchen with Henry.

After breakfast and promising Aggie that I would bring Leah and Alex in soon to see her Paul and I drove back to La Push. Sam and Emily were finishing breakfast with Claire when we came in. Claire bounced out of her chair and came running toward me.

"Unca Ewie! Unca Ewie!" She squealed and I smiled before scooping her up into a hug.

"Hey, what about Paul? Am I chop liver?" Paul asked. He acted as if he was hurt. Claire giggled and kissed him cheek before wiggling to be let down. Once on the ground she grabbed my hand and tried dragging me.

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