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 I came in the door from work to a ringing phone. I had stopped by the store to get some groceries that Leah had asked for but other than that I had come straight home. Who could be looking for me already? I hurried to set the nags down and get to the phone. Before I could get to the phone it stopped ringing. I picked it up to see who had called when it started to ring again. It flashed dad's number and I quickly pushed the talk button and pulled the phone up to my ear.

"What wrong?" I answered and dad gave a shuttering breath like he was holding back tears.

"Your sister. I came home to a note on the table saying she and Edward went for a walk. He's cars not here and neither is she. Her bag's still in the truck like she never came back for it. I'm getting a search party together to search the woods." Dad said in what seemed like one breath. My brain began to shut down but I shook it off and started to think about this logically.

"I'll call Sam and the guys. They know the woods better than anyone." I said and quickly hung up the phone. I dialed Sam's number and tapped my foot as I waited for somebody to answer the phone.

"Hello?" Emily answered the phone.

"Emily, its Eli. I need to talk to Sam." I said as quickly as possible with my words still legible.

"He's not here right now." She said and I started to rack my brain.

"Who's not on patrol?" I asked.

"Jared's at Kim's." Emily replied and I quickly got off the phone with her and called Jared. He took forever to answer.

"Hello?" Jared answered sounding pissed.

"Isabella's missing. You need to get a hold of Sam and Paul and meet me at dad's." I said and hung up the phone. As I was getting into the truck I heard the call go up. I drove quickly to dad's with the guys pulling in only a minute or two behind me. I had joined dad and some men at the map they were using as a search grid. Sam gave me a nod before they headed into the woods. They would have to be careful not to get caught in their wolf forms while they searched with all the people in the woods.

Dad was pulling at his hair as he worked with the other men around the map. It was making him sick with worry that it was getting dark and the temperature was beginning to drop. It was already cold but with the temperature dropping Isabella would be able to contract hypothermia faster. It had been two hours since dad had called me, Sam and the guys had been in the trees for an hour and a half. It couldn't be good that they couldn't find her or maybe they ran into a vampire and they were no longer looking for her? I couldn't even pace with this stupid crutch!

Finally after two hours of searching Sam emerged from the trees with Isabella in his arms carrying her. Why was he carrying her? Was she hurt? Unconscious? I started to make my way towards him.

"Dad!" I called to get his attention. He spun around and came running to Sam. He checked her over quickly to find nothing. Sam gave Isabella to dad who began to stagger toward the house with the rest of the search party. I made my way to Sam as the guys flanked him on either side.

"Is she hurt?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Not physically. When I found her she would only mutter 'he's gone' over and over again. We got a call from the Cullens today that they were leaving town. It looks like the one took her out into the woods to break up with her and she tried to follow him. Found her about three miles to the north of here, she must have been desperate to go with him." Sam said and I shook my head. Why would he do this? I little warning would have been nice.

"At least their gone and she's finally safe, although a little warning would have been nice." I said and looked back at the house.

"I would have called you earlier but I knew there was nothing you could do from the station." Sam said and I thanked him. We walked into the house and watched as Dr. Grandy checked her over making sure she was fine.

"Looks like she's just cold and tired. Give her soon time to warm up and get some sleep and she'll be fine." The doc said and stood up, patting Isabella's arm as she was huddled in blankets on the couch. Doc came over and patted me on the shoulder before making his way out the door. People began make their way out of the house and into their cars to go to their own houses. I made my way to the phone and called Leah.

"Did they find her?" Leah asked as she answered the phone.

"Yeah we found her. She's cold and tired but other than that and the ass kicking I'm going to give her when she's awake enough to understand what I'm saying she'll be fine, physically at least." I said with a sigh.

"Apparently the dumb ass took her in the woods to break up with her and didn't take into account that she would try to follow him off the trail. I'm going to stay the night here with dad, he's pretty shook up." I said into the phone as I watched people walking out the door.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow." Leah replied and we hung up. I returned to the living room to see the last person leave the house and shut the door. Isabella seemed to be sleeping on the couch and dad in the chair. I walked over to dad to wake him up and send him to bed but was stopped by the phone ringing; I hurried to pick it up before it could wake dad up. It was Aggie calling to see if we had found Isabella yet. I told her we had and thanked her for her concern. It continued like that for a while, people would call to see if we had found her or if she was okay. I assured them all before quickly hanging up. The clock was slowly creeping toward midnight and I had decided to sit here till the phone stopped ringing before waking dad and sending him to bed.

The phone rang once again about twenty minutes before twelve. I jumped to answer it. I was pissed to hear Mrs. Stanley's nosily voice on the other end of the phone. She and her daughter had called a couple times tonight asking about Isabella. They were both known gossipers and I avoided them at all costs but apparently Isabella didn't.

"What can I do for you Mrs. Stanley? I asked into the phone as I answered it.

"Eli, your father needs to talk to someone down in La Push there seems to be a forest fire by the cliffs. I can see it from my upstairs window." Mrs. Stanley said and I was glad there was a change in topic.

"I'll make some calls Mrs. Stanley. Thank you for informing us." I said and hung up the phone. I dialed Billy's number and waited for him to answer.

"Charlie is everything alright with Bella?" Billy asked as he answered the phone.

"Yeah she's fine. This is Eli. Got a call about a fire near the cliffs." I said.

"Oh that's just the pack. It's a celebratory bonfire about the Cullens leaving." Billy explained and I nodded my head.

"Okay. Just get a hold of one of them and make sure they tame the fire a little." I said and Billy agreed before we quickly hung up. I looked up at the clock to see it was past midnight. I decided that if people wanted anymore information that they would have to call in the morning and unhooked the phone. Isabella rolled a little in her sleep as I walked over to wake dad. I looked over to make sure she didn't fall off and noticed something. The blanket over her stomach had been knocked off the floor and her shirt had ridden up. There was a small round bump on her abdomen.

"Son of a bitch." I whispered as I put it together. She's pregnant!"

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