Reaching the Limit

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 Things haven't improved since we found out about Alex's heart. Dad and I were back to forcing Isabella to eat and drink and take her medicine. The doctor is really worried about the depression she has fallen into and has even given us pamphlets for adoption. Dad and I talked more about what Isabella had said that day in the doctor's office. He agreed that it would probably be the best course of action and started contacting our lawyer to start the paper work. We tried to get Isabella to talk about this. I don't know what else we were expecting. She only gave us a blank stare and remained quiet.

Even some of Isabella's friends came by to try and pull out of this. Angela made several attempts and so did Jake while the others only made one or two. I was annoyed at some of the people that Isabella had called friends and wish had had better taste when it came to her friends and boyfriends, but these were things that I couldn't control. Angela was over most nights and spent time trying to talk to Isabella and coax her to her to eat. She had become close to dad and I, we really admired her determination to helping us make Isabella better no matter how long it took.

Today was Christmas and everyone was going to gather at my house for dinner and presents. Leah and I had decided that we weren't going to hide our relationship anymore. We knew there would be rumors and people would talk, but we just didn't care anymore. It would be nice to kiss each other in public and no longer give a shit if someone saw us. I smiled as I thought about it, but was broken from my thoughts when a knock on the door sounded through the house. I get up and opened the door to see Paul standing on the other side.

"Since when do you knock and not just barge in?" I asked with a smirk and he grinned back.

"It's Christmas and I don't want any coal in my stocking this year." He replied and I cracked up as I moved to let him inside.

After Paul everyone else slowly showed up and joined in the conversation, except for Isabella how sat by the fireplace staring out the picture window at the snow that was slowly accumulating. It put a little damper on the day, but everyone slowly got used to void that Isabella presented in the room. Isabella had gotten bigger with Alex's development, but she was still small for being eight and a half months pregnant.

We slowly gathered round the decent sized tree that Paul had helped me dragged out of the woods and Leah had helped me decorate. There were angels and snowflakes along with little silver and gold glass ornaments around the tree with a simple gold star at the top that I had put on. We slowly started passing around the gifts. I had gotten Paul a couple gift cards to various food places that he liked and he seemed pleased. I got dad a new reel for his old fishing pole. I made Harry and Sue a sign with 'Clearwaters' burnt into the front with fish carved into the sides. Billy got a new tackle box since I had notice on our last trip that his was falling apart. I got Jake a part for his car that he had yet to finish, but was getting close, he had been very happy with his gift and was excited to get home. Finally I gave Isabella an 'A' pendant for the necklace that I had given her for her birthday. She may not be able to appreciate it now, but I hoped that she would be able to appreciate it someday.

Leah and I had promised to exchange gifts later in private. I was excited to give her my gift and I think she was too by the looks she kept throwing my way. I smiled at her when I caught her staring at me and she would smile back and turned away. After all the presents had been passed out and opened Leah came over and sat in my lap while I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. Billy and Jake sat on the other side of the room with a shocked expression as I gave Leah's cheek a kiss. Sue looked on with a smile while Harry had a disgruntled look on his face. I knew he was happy that we were finally together, but he didn't want to know the extent of our relationship.

Thanks were passed around for gifts before Leah and Sue got out dessert. Paul left early claiming he had to call his mom, though Billy, Harry, Sue and I knew that he really had to go on patrol. He and Embry had to cover patrols today since they didn't have an imprint to spend the day with. After desert Billy, Harry, dad, and Seth turned the TV to the sports channel while Harry broke out the beer he had hid in the trunk of the car before coming over. As they settled into the living room Leah and I offered to do dishes and worked quietly side by side. She washed while I rinsed and dried. When we finished I motioned at the door and helped her put her jacket on.

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