Getting Better or Not?

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 Isabella has been on bed rest in this god forsaken hospital for eleven days. On the second of January there was an awful snow storm that prevented the doctor from Seattle from making it down till today, since they had finally gotten the roads cleared. I was sitting in the corner of Isabella's room with my knee bouncing as I waited. Since dad and I brought Isabella in she had only woken once and fallen back into unconsciousness about an hour later. There had been nurses in and out of the room for the past forty minutes, but never with any news.

Leah put her hand down on my knee to stop the bouncing. Once it stopped she sat down on my lap so she was looking me in the face. She didn't look very impressed with me and I cringed away the look. Her face softened as she took my hand in her's and kissed it. I really appreciated that she had taken the day off to come sit with dad and I to wait through Isabella's and Alex's surgery.

"Thank you." I said and wrapped my arms around her waist before pulled her closer to me.

"For what?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"For being here. I know this isn't the most exciting thing to do when you take a day off. I really appreciate that you came today and that it's not just dad and I worrying ourselves sick. That you're keeping me from going crazy." I said and she gave me a sad smile before leaning down and giving me a quick kiss on my lips.

"You would do the same for me. I'm just as involved in this as you are. I offered to help take care of that little human, remember?" She said and I nodded with a small smile.

"How did I get so lucky? I don't think the lottery could have picked a better person." I said and she kissed me again before taking her seat side of me again.

It was only a couple more minutes before a nurse came in to the room asking to speak with dad. Dad stood up and walked out of the room with the nurse. Dad came back into the room only a minute later and sat back down in his seat. The expression on his read of his relief, but also of concern. I didn't know which emotion was for who, Isabella or Alex.

"Good news, dad?" I asked and he took a deep breath.

"Your sister's in recovery. They say the delivery was text book with no complications. Alex's surgery is under way. She said we should hear something in about two to three hours from now and that she'll come back before Bella is brought back to the room." Dad said and I nodded. I ran my hand through my hair as I took a deep breath through my nose and let it go through my mouth. One possible disaster down, one to go.

"Why don't you come for a walk with me?" Leah asked and I look over to see her standing up from her seat next to me. I looked over to dad to see he had his head in his hands and wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. I was worried for him.

"Come on, Eli, we won't go far." She said and I let out a sigh before standing up and taking her hand.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, dad." I said and dad gave me a small nod as he took his hands away from his face.

We walked down to the lobby and walked out to the parking lot. The change of scenery was nice. Isabella's room was small and cramped with so many people in it. There was only so many times you could look around a room and find something you hadn't seen before. The bite of the wind and snow on my face was refreshing and I welcomed the cool fresh air with open airs.

"I would have thought with the news of Bella in recovery you would be a little happy."Leah said as we stopped walking and I looked at her curiously.

"With Bella in recovery that means you're officially an Uncle, Eli. Alex is here; all those plans and hopes you had for Alex can finally happen and come true. Cheer up a little, Eli. The worst is almost over." Leah said and I took a deep breath before giving her a smile.

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