Chapter 5-library

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Kokichi wandered around the school,until he found a room with its door a crack open.he knew that room was most likely the one shuichi was in,because all the other doors were fully closed and the mastermind of this game wasn't unorganised.

He read the sign on the door,it read library.he had always wanted to visit a library,but his parents were adamant that he stayed in the house at all times.

He entered,curious of what he would see.

it was nothing like he had ever seen was filled to the brim with books upon books.wherever you turned to face,all you could see was shelves full of books.they were all perfectly organised.he thought it was wondrous.

Okay,maybe he was overreacting,but reading was his escape from society.his only source of some sort of library was his shelf in his wasn't much,but he treasured it.

He scanned the library,until he found his friend.shuichi was reading a documentary about a serial killer from the past:genocide jill.

Kokichi was still mesmerised by the room as he walked up to him,he was so unfocused that he almost bumped into a few things.

Shuichi was so involved in his book,he didn't realise anyone was in the room until he heard rustling coming from a table beside him.he looked to the noise,to see ouma sat on the desk rummaging through a pile of books.

Shuichi chuckled,"are you enjoying yourself there ouma-kun?"

The boy turned his head to the other and nodded.

"What type of books do you like?"he asked.

"'re reading a documentary on that serial killer,genocide Jill?wasn't she in danganronpa?"kokichi was more comfortable talking around shuichi then other people.he trusted him,they were dating,but something about him was...different than other peoples.

Kokichi had never really liked danganronpa that much.not because of all the death and such,he just didn't find it that interesting.though,when your family adores it that much,it's pretty hard to avoid.

"Yep,she was the girl with the split personality!it was actually a girl called toko fukawa,that's why the police could never find her,"saihara replied.

He was also a lot more comfortable around kokichi then other people as truth,shuichi never wanted to hurt reality,he is a nice person,the idiot astronaut just pushed him to his limit.

"Anyway,off topic..."shuichi walked up to ouma,"why didn't you eat anything?you know that I'm not forcing you,but I am worried,".

Ouma seemed slightly shocked.

"What?did you think I wouldn't notice it?"saihara giggled.

He slowly moved his hand up to the other boys hand and stroked it.

(I know that sounds a bit weird it I promise it's not meant to be)

"So please,what's wrong?"

Ouma looked to the side of him.

The detective sighed,"ouma please,if you don't want to tell me that's fine,but I'm always here for you and just want to keep you safe,"the concern in shuichis voice grew.

"I went to my sisters grave a few days ago and saw my...parents there,"kokichi mumbled.

"Oh ouma,"saihara pulled him into a(non shuichi strength)hug.

He hugged back,his hands shaking.ouma doesn't show his emotions through crying in someone's arms or shouting at some random persons face.he normally shakes and is a lot tireder than normal.

The hug lasted a while,but soon ended.

shuichi than gave kokichi a genuine smile,"now then,should we go to the others or do you want to go back to your room?or do you want me to stay with you?"

"The others may be the best idea,seeing as though we haven't actually gotten to know them and they haven't gotten to know us properly yet.especially you,"the boy replied.

Word count:650

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