Chapter 1-the motive

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The morning sun had risen,as the same annoying morning announcement played at exactly had been a few weeks since the students had been kidnapped and forced to stay in this murderous hell hole.kokichi yawned,stretching out his is arms whilst doing so.he was tired of this stupid killing game.he just wanted it to end,but he knew that wasn't an option unless he were to commit a crime that would haunt him for eternity.he stepped out of his bed,still half asleep,and sauntered over to his mirror,

He stared at himself,noticing his growing eye bags,pale skin and frail figure.he grabbed his clothes off his chair,changed and composed himself before skipping over to the dining hall with his normal,everyday,demeanour on.

Once he made it to the dining hall,he let out a loud shout,"good morning!"

Most groaned at the males voice.kokichi smirked at this and sat down next to gonta.

They all ate their breakfast in peace,until they heard a familiar voice play on the speakers.

"Ahem,attention all students!Make your way to the gym,I have a surprise for you all!"

Everybody stood up and headed to the gym.they all knew what the surprise was,it was quite was a new motive.

They all got to the hall to see the bear sat down impatiently.

"Took you long enough.anyway,I have a new motive!"it sounded probably was.

Everyone else was either concerned or just wanted to get it over with.

"This is a special motive though,one like no other!two of you lucky brats will get your precious little memories back!"the bear explained,"the best part is you all get to pick who!"

"I say the abortion!"mui said confidently.

"Yeah,Kokichi should do it,"maki agreed coldly.

Everyone nodded in agreement with the two.shuichi was hesitant though,what if it was dangerous?he set his eyes over to the male and for he first time he looked...worried?it was only for a split second until his mischievous grin appeared on his face again.

"I believe shuichi should also do it,"kirumi stated,

"That's true,he could be a good asset to the team,plus he'll most likely know a lot about the outside world,"ryoma added.

Monokumas grin became was concerning.

"Well then,it's decided!shuichi saihara and kokichi ouma will be the two students to gain there memories back!now step up to the stage!"

They both did as it said,and stepped onto the stage.when they did,Monokuma pressed a large button,which allowed two chairs to appear.

"Sit your asses down!"the bear exclaimed.

The two did so.

The second they did,what looked to be V.R headsets was placed over their heads.

Monokuma smirked.he pushed another button.the chairs sent an electric charge through both the males,but it didn't last long.

"They'll be passed out for a while,so you'll have to wait until they wake up,"the bear walked away,leaving the befuddled students alone.

Word count:512

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