Chapter 17-class trial

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The morning came and the announcement rang,everything normal carried on throughout the day.

Then....sadly,the murders seemed the mastermind had got sick of waiting for someone to kill,so they decided to do it themselves.the issue is they didn't know who the mastermind was,if they did they would have ended this game already.

(All the class trials that take place in this book have the same culprit and victim.the class trials will be short since I suck at writing them😅.
Not all the deaths will take place in this book as it ends before the game has finished.
Some of The times of death will be different as well most likely)

After lunch,they found the body of rantaro amani and before they knew it,a class trial had commenced.

(Writing change)
(This will also be a short class trial)

Everyone was in shock and grief.they never thought anyone would actually kill,but shuichi and kokichi were perfectly fine with it.

They were used to danganronpa after all,so they weren't opposed by there dead friend.of course,it  was slightly disheartening to see rantaro deceased on the cold library floor,as he was nice.the first one shuichi got to truly know.

"We should figure out the time the murder took place first,then we can go over everyone's alibis,"

"How are you so calm?someones just been killed!"

'She's a good actress,no wonder she's the ultimate cosplayer,'

"Saihara-kuns correct,figuring out the time which amani was killed is a key priory in this case,"

They went over the clues,and suspected that the murder had occurred last night.

"Now that that is sorted shall we move on to alibis?"

"That would most likely be the best option,"

"I stayed out later than normal training in the courtyard,just in case I needed to protect himiko against any dangers!"

"I went to bed at at least 7pm,it was after practising my latest magic spells,"

"Me and maki-roll were out training in the courtyard,getting some exercise!"

"Kaito,did you perhaps see tenko in the courtyard when you were there?"

"Yes,we did. I distinctly remember kaito shouting over to tenko to come and join us...and then was threatened to get kicked in the...unmentionables,"

Everyone said their alibis and they all added up,except for....kaedes,shuichi added that to his memory for later on.

"Well then,aren't you going to give us your alibi you two?"

"Shuichi slept with me last night,"

The blunt answer shocked quite a few.not the fact that the boy was so open about his alibi,when he would usually lie,but...they slept together?it befuddled a few.

"You two...slept together?"

"Well,we are dating and we also live together as well,"

"Shuichi stayed in my room for the night,that is our alibi.if either of us left the room,the other would have known,"

(Sorry,I really do not know what to write)

The trial concluded and they came to the conclusion that kaede was the culprit.

The execution was was long and looked extremely painful,though that's danganronpa for you.

The class headed back to the dining hall,most sick to there stomach.they had all lost their appetites,so trying to eat would be pointless.

Kokichi glanced to saihara,who was next to him.the male seemed to be in deep thought about something.

When they got to the hall,they all sat in silence.

'This has never happened before,we knew that the culprit was the mastermind,but kaede isn't the mastermind,"

Suddenly,the detective was drawn out of his thoughts by a tap on his shoulder.he looked at the person who had tapped him,it was gonta.

"Is friend shuichi ok?"

"I'm alright gonta,just thinking about something,"

"If you say so,"

(Writing change end)

The leader looked over to shuichi,their eyes locking together.kokichi had a rough guess of what shuichi was thinking about,but in his mind he didn't really care.

He knew that someone was going to die soon enough,so why mourn over an act that was determined to happen?the boy was used to losing people at his own hands,he was used to it.

They all say in silence for the while,until the students headed back to their own dorms.kokichi laid on his bed,thinking about what shuichi had told him last night.

'The mastermind probably wants us to go back to our danganronpa personalities again,so be careful walking around late at night and earlier in the morning,"

Those words echoed through the boys mind almost the whole night.he couldn't stop thinking about it.

"I wonder what I was like in danganronpa?probably some entitled,confident asshole,"

Word count:822

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