Chapter 8-violent nature

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T/W-mentions of attempted suicide, violence,medication

Kokichi had fallen asleep due to the after pains of the electric charge had given him.he had woken up at around 12:00am.the boy had told gonta he would meet him at the school garden at around 12:30am,so he thought now might be a good time to get up.

He approached the mirror and saw the eye bags on his face had grown.he grabbed the white clothes from his chair and got changed.

He was up to his shirt,when he realised the scars from his time were still marked on his future selves skin.he looked back down at his shirt,then back up at the mirror.

Ouma decided to not just put his shirt on.he put a black t-shirt under it,then wore his other shirt over it like a jacket.he slipped his scarf over his head,noticing a rope burn around his neck from the past as well.he took his pills and left his bedroom.

Once kokichi got to the dining hall,he walked into a distress filled scene.

Shuichi had beaten maki up until she had passed out and was trying to continue doing so.

"S-shuichi please refrain from your violent tendencies,"kirumi was trying to hold the enraged male back from hurting the unconscious girl even more.

The boy ignored her and carried on trying to break free of gontas strong grasp.

(You may be confused,because it just said shuichi was stuck in gontas grasp,but I'll explain.

One).shuichi may be strong but gonta is almost in the same level of strength as him

Two).gonta is also a lot taller than him and shuichi is best up against people around the same height as him(he finds shorter people too easy)(except for ouma)

Three).despite all these things,gonta was still struggling to hold shuichi back,as the bluenette was hitting him with his legs,hands,head and like I said before shuichi is very strong,so these hits are extremely painful,even for gonta)

"Let me go!she deserves punishment!whether it's violence or not,she must be given a suitable punishment for what she said!" Shuichi was squirming all over the place,anger growing in his voice with each second that passed.

"What did she even say!"kaito spat.

Suddenly,shuichi stopped wriggling around and started to was silent at first,but then turned into a psychotic chuckle.

"What did she say?!what did she say?!ha!that bitch said that ouma-kun deserves to die!"shuichi laughed angrily.

"She...what?"kaede was shocked.

"You're wrong!maki-roll would..."kaito began,contradicting his statement midway through it.

"Probably say something like that,"koregiyo finished.

"It wouldn't hurt me if she said that about me,"ouma appeared out of no where,"after all,it wouldn't be a first,I've tried to kill myself multiple times,"

"What?"rantaro sounded concerned.

Kokichi calmly walked up to the detective and stared into his soul.except,unlike with maki,shuichi seemed to calm down from this.

Ouma then spoke,"saihara-kun,have you taken your medication today?".

"Maybe..."shuichi answered nervously.

"Are you lying?"the purplenette asked.

The other sighed,"yes...".

"You know you need to take your medication right,otherwise your violent nature comes out and all you wanna do is beat the shit out of everyone and it's even worse if they insult me while you're in this mood,"kokichi explained.

"I know,I know,"the bluenette insisted.

"I know you know,but if you know then don't do it,alright?gonta,you can let him go now,"the leader carried on.

Gonta let him shuichi go,proceeding to apologise if he hurt his friend.saihara persisted that it was okay and that he didn't feel any pain at all,but the bug lover was persistent he repay his friend.

After a while of convincing gonta to leave shuichi,ouma had sat down at a table and was talking to kaede,who was making sure that his mental health was stable enough.

Shuichi sat down with them.he entwined his fingers with oumas,implying that he was here to protect him.

kaede seemed nicer than she was in their time.more polite,caring.she actually gave a damn on how oumas mental health was doing,she hardly did that for anyone let alone kokichi.

The two bonded,until kaede raised the question,"so...I'm just worried shuichi.your personality went from normal,to psychotic.what was that about?"

Shuichi thought about it for a moment,then looked at the leader,who looked back at him and nodded.

"Well you see...

Word count:776

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