Chapter 16-where abouts were you?

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They all continued the search for the detective,but had no luck.there was no body,but no trace of him either.

They searched for the whole day,and was getting late so the students decided to go back to their dorms,all with a horrible feeling in their stomach.

Not many got much sleep that night,as they were stressing about of the boy was ok or not,but kokichi didn't seem to care at all.he wasn't scared,worried,or concerned about shuichi through the whole search,even though he was the closest to him.

Later that night,at around 01:30am,kokichi was reading a book when he heard the creak of a door,specifically his door, opening.he glanced to see saihara entering the room.

"Saihara-kun?"the leader whispered.

The other male jumped slightly.

"Ouma-kun!sorry...I didn't mean to scare you.I just can't enter my room,"the detective replied.

(Writing change)
(Throughout this they are whispering)


"If im honest with you,I don't know,but I was wondering if I could crash here for the night.I thought since we live together it wouldn't be that uncomfortable for you,"

"I don't mind you sleeping in here, though now I'm curious why you can't enter your aren't hiding something from me are you?"

"No,I'm not,but I do need to tell you something important,"

(Writing change end)

Shuichi got settled and sat behind ouma,wrapping his arms around the boy in a comforting way.the leader was in between his two legs,the boy placed his book down and looked up to his friend.

"So,what did you need to tell me so desperately?is it about where you've been for the entirety of the day?"Ouma wondered.

"'s quite a strange story,but believable at the same time,you see.......

I woke up earlier yesterday and decided to go to the kitchen to grab a snack.

as I was heading there,I was suddenly forcibly pulled back into a corner from behind.a thick cloth was placed across my mouth with what smelt like chemicals covering it.after that everything went black.

"And then I woke up in the exact same corner I was 'put to sleep' in,"Shuichi explained,"I don't know what happened when I was out,where I was or anything like that,but just expect that the same thing might happen to you soon,"

"Why do you say that?"ouma asked.

"Well,I remember that everyone was saying that 'we're not the same people they know' so I expect this to be some sort of motive.before I was taken,I felt fine and now I feel incredibly strange,as in it feels like somethings changed,I suspect that it might be the mastermind wanting us to go back to our danganronpa personalities again,"

"Hmm...makes sense,"the leader swivelled round his body to face the other male.

He nuzzled his face into the detectives chest and snuggled with him and eventually they both drifted off to sleep.

Word count:516

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