Chapter 10-talk

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(Srry,I  have no idea what to name this chapter)

Ouma dragged shuichi to his room and closed the door.

He sat the other male on the bed,then went over to a plastic box on his desk.kokichi searched through the box,until he picked up a small,plastic bottle filled with pills.the purplenette tossed the pills to shuichi who caught them and swallowed roughly around 2.

Ouma sat down on the bed next to was quiet for a minute,until kokichi tugged on his friends sleeve.

Shuichi looked down to kokichi,"is everything ok ouma-kun?you seem worried,".

"It's did we get into danganronpa?we never signed up,so how's they get us here?"

Shuichi thought about for a moment but couldn't seem to find an answer.

"I...don't know.I mean we could ask monokuma but I doubt he'll give us the answer,"the bluenette added.

Kokichi looked up to the clock placed up on the detectives wall and stood.

"I...need to be going saihara-kun,sorry,"the leader walked out of the room.

Shuichi stood up and walked over to his desk. He was going to find his sharp ink pen to write some notes down,when he realised it was missing.

He had know clue where it had gone,b he he had a nagging suspicion.

(Sorry this chapters short😅I had no ideas.the next one will be much longer tho😁)

Word count:242

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