Chapter 14-questions

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T/W-mentions of slight self harm


The night had ended and dawn had broke.the regular morning announcement went off,waking everyone that wasn't already awake,to be awoken.

Kokichi was already awake at least an hour before the announcement.the boy was surprised that he had slept at all,as his usual sleep schedule was out of order.

he never liked danganronpa,but being in it made him feel safer than being in the outside world.the game didn't make him fear the death that could be around any corner any second,it actually made him much calmer.though,he did crave death,so I guess the feeling made sense.

He stepped out onto the rough,carpet of the felt strange on his bare feet,but after a while the feeling of weirdness drifted away and a soothing feeling overwhelmed it.he had always found interest in strange things.

He put on his clothes and headed to the dining hall.he was nervous,he didn't know what the others would do after yesterday.

the leader had figured that shuichi would have told the others.after all,he had lived with the detective for years,so kokichi knew what his personality was.

He entered the hall,to see some people already there.the ones that were (kirumi,kaede,k1bo/kiibo,rantaro,tsumugi) we're chatting with each other and the ones that weren't at the dining hall yet,were coming in one after the other.the only one that hadn't entered was saihara.

Everyone was slightly concerned,I mean they were in a killing game.if someone was missing it was a high chance that they were murdered,or had committed murder,which wasn't any better.

Everything went normal,until mui asked a question,"soo....kid,could ya tell us what happened yesterday?".

Ouma looked up from his untouched plate of food. He didn't speak,just stared at the floor.

"It's alright if you don't want to tell us right now,take your time!there's no rush,"kaede added.

The purplenette looked slightly shocked.he didn't know kaede to be so caring,though he did know danganronpa,so it wasn't as big as a surprise as it would've been.

" put it short,I have what I guess you'd call a 'habit' of punishing myself,"ouma said bluntly,

"Yeah we heard that from shuichi,though are you alright?you can easily talk to any of us if ya need too,"kaito explained.

"Mhm...thanks,"the leader stared back to his plate and started messing with his cutlery.

"We may hate your personality,but you seem different in the past,so I guess we can give you another shot!"tenko shouted,even though it was still quite early in the morning.

"Um...I have a question to ask,"tsumugi asked nervously.

Ouma nodded.

"Why do you act so different in the past,because ever since we got trapped here,you've acted like this cheery,careless child like antagonistic character in some sort of video game,".

'She's a good actor,no wonder no ones gotten suspicious of her yet,'kokichi thought.

"I...cannot answer that question,but all will be revealed soon,I promise,"the boy replied.

"Why can't you just tell us now?"kaito wondered.

"I'm just.....not permitted to do so,"


"Its ok kokichi,you don't have to tell us!kaitos just hyper all the time,"kaede finished the sentence with an awkward laugh.

The boy simply nodded his head.

"Um,your very experienced with knives kokichi,could I ask where you developed that skill?"maki said curious.

The leader hesitated,befor saying,"I...taught myself".

In truth,he didn't have any training at all,it all came from himself.

The assassin seemed slightly shocked,I mean she was trained for years (pls correct me if I'm wrong on that) to be almost half as skilled as he is with a knife and the boy had taught himself?

"Has anyone seen shuichi?"koregiyo questioned.

"Now that you mention it,shuichi hasn't turned up yet,"ryoma stated.

"Do you think he's dead?"himiko asked with slightly more worry in her voice than normal.

"Atua says that he is not dead!"angie added.

"Still we should look for him incase,"rantaro said,his voice spilling with hope.

And with that they all started searching for the detective.they went in pairs,to be safe,so if one person died they'd know who did it.

[the pairs]
Kaede and rantaro
Kiibo and mui
Tenko and himiko (tenko refused to go with anyone else)
Kirumi and ryoma
Maki and kaito
Angie and tsumugi
Koregiyo and kokichi
Gonta (he went on his own but stayed near everyone to keep them safe)

Word count:783

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