Chapter 11-bad habits

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T/W-signs of eating disorder,gore,self harm in multiple ways,suicide attempts

Kokichi went back to his was almost time for the last meal before Monokumas curfue,so most were doing their own things.

(Basically a POV swap)

Shuichi had looked for his ink pen everywhere,but still couldn't find it.his suspicion still continued to nag away at him,and he knew that he was most likely right,but couldn't confirm it yet.

He settled for an ordinary pen,it wasn't as good as his other one,but it would do.He wrote down his notes about the game and some of his suspicions.they knew who the mastermind was,since they had been watching the game in the outside world,but they didn't know what the motives were,who would kill who etc.

Shuichi was pretty good at guessing who was going to kill who and his theories are usually proved after the motive has been announced.

He did this,for quite some time.before he knew it he heard a knock on his door.saihara looked up from his notebook,placed it on his bed and opened the door.

"Sorry to bother you shuichi,though dinner is about to be served.if you would like to come eat you may come down to the dining hall,"kirumi informed him then strode to the next dorm.

"Um,kirumi!"shuichi shouted out to her.

She twisted her head round to face him.

"Is ouma-kun at the dining hall already?"The detective asked.

The maid nodded in response.

Shuichi thanked her and sauntered to the dining hall.

When he got there,he saw most of the class already sat down.he did so himself,not wanting to stir up any trouble today.

sitting down next to ouma,he heard that kokichis breath was heavy and he was wasn't obvious,but easier to spot than normal.

"Is friend kokichi alright?"gonta wondered.he sounded concerned,the giant most likely was.

Kokichi looked up to the bug lover with his baggy eyes and simply nodded.

As gonta was about to ask something else,food came out from the kitchen.everyone took a plate,but ouma just stared aimlessly at his.

Shuichi started to eat,but kokichis utensils stayed movement could be seen from him,except his breathing.

Everyone had almost finished,when kaito finally spoke to kokichi.

"Are you gonna eat anything kokichi?"he sounded slightly worried.

It took the boy a minute to respond.

"Im...not hungry,".

"You say that a lot nowadays y'know?"mui pointed out with a mouth full of food.

"Yeah!you may not be a woman but we all still care for your health!and not eating enough isn't healthy!"tenko exclaimed.

"Im fine,don't worry about me,"the leader insisted.

"Atua says you're lying again!"angie added loudly.

"I told you,I'm fine,"ouma stood up and started walking out of the dining hall.

Shuichi went after him,until he noticed something strange.kokichi was holding his arm and wasn't walking on a straight line at all.he was getting slower and slower by the second.

Shuichi slowly approached him from behind,"ouma,are you...,".

Just as he was about to finish that sentence,kokichi fell.he passed out and fell to the ground.saihara rushed over to him, he checked his arm to see a Bloch of newly stained blood drippping through his sleeve.he lifted it up just enough for him to see and his nagging suspicion was correct.

Ouma had stolen his sharp ink pen when he was searching the his pills.once kokichi had gone back to his room,he took out the pen and pierced it into his skin.

"Your bad habits got the better of you didn't they,"shuichi picked him up and speedily left the dining hall.

"Shuichi where are you going?!"kaito shouted,though he didn't take notice and carried on.

Shuichi had made it to his room and placed ouma down on the bed.He quickly grabbed some bandages located on his desk and seiftly wrapped kokichis arms wherever he had harmed himself.

Once finished,saihara sighed,"oh how I wish I could've helped you,maybe then you wouldn't have turned out like this,".

He cupped the leaders cheek in his hand. He left the boy to rest and headed back to the dining hall.he locked the door behind him,so that no one could get in or out of the room,including kokichi.

(The last parts not meant to be on a creepy way btw)

Word count:752

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