Chapter 12-family issues

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T/W-mentions of suicide,self harm,physical abuse,mental abuse,language

Once shuichi had made it back to the hall,he was immediately bombarded with questions.what was all that about?is kokichi alright?do you know what happened?these were all thrown at him one after another with no time for him to breathe.

He pushed past the students and sat down.saihara finally had a chance to catch his breath.

"So,do you want me to explain or not?"he asked in an annoyed tone.

Everyone agreed and sat down near him(preferably at the same table).

"Ouma-kuns trauma isn't a nice thing to discuss,but I'll do it anyway,"shuichi explained.

(Story time (again) 💅!)

(Btw,this is from shuichis telling of the story,though he says it basically exactly how kokichi told him about his trauma)

Kokichi ouma is an introverted boy for one reason and one reason only.he needs what I guess you would all call permission to do a basic task of life,like talking.

You see his parents were controlling,master manipulators.they guilt tripped him,since that is what ouma is prone too.they even did this when he was younger.

he was silenced.told rules of what he can and can't do.his family would get violent if he didn't follow these rules,so he did his best to do so.

Soon,they became a natural habit of life.he didn't have to try and follow these rules,they were just a part of everyday life for him.that's why he doesn't talk unless he feels the absolute need to speak.

He seems comfortable around you all,so he speaks more,but to others,some haven't even heard him utter a word.honestly,he only talks when he feels deeply threatened.

The habits he has,is that he's used to hurting himself.his family always told him that if he did something he wasn't meant to,he was to punish himself.they told their own son to hurt himself.

That's what I mean by bad habits.he's so used to following those sick rules and harming himself that it's a natural's part of normal everyday life to him.

He's suicidal,on too much medication for his own health!yet,he doesn't care and hes somehow still living.he ended up falling into a deep depression when his little sister passed as well,that's when he knew hope was just a mindless dream not worth chasing any's a miracle he's still going,but one that won't last long if these habits carry on.he'll end up finding a way to kill himself soon enough.

I don't want to lose him.I want to protect him,he's already been through enough already.

(End of story)

"So when he left the hall,when you had seen my strength for the first time,he was most likely going to see if he could find anything sharp,"

Everyone couldn't believe it.they had treated him so poorly,even if he didn't remember anything it was still painful to hear.

"So this is why you're so protective over him,"ryoma stated.

"That makes so much more sense now,"kaito shouted.

"Holy fuck,even the abortion doesn't deserve that,"mui seemed too shocked hardly speak.

"No one deserves that mui,not even the degenerate male!"tenko looked angry,probably at the people who hurt kokichi.

"Atua is dissatisfied with these people!"angie said looking like she was about to snap herself.

"Um shuichi do you know if he's-"rantaro was cut off as shuichi had started to walk off.

"Well,that's all I can say for now,if you want to know anymore about ouma-kun you'll have to ask him yourself,"saihara shouted towards them as he waved walked off.

He left the students in the hall with so many questions.They'll just have to ask kokichi when they can.

Word count:642

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