Chapter 7-confrontation

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After the resolve,everyone went off to do their normal stuff.Shuichi said that if he wanted,kokichi could go to his room,while he was sorting something out with rantaro.

Once all the students had left,rantaro told shuichi that maki wanted to speak to him for something.

"She does?hm...I wonder why?"saihara was curious to what she would want from him.after all,in the past,she never had an interest in him.

"Well,that was really the favour I wanted to ask you,but I hope we can talk again,"

"Yes,that would be wonderful!" Shuichi exclaimed.

The avacado waved goodbye and shuichi reciprocated.

As he was about to find maki,she appeared behind him.

"Oh,you're here already!what did you want to talk to me about?"the boy asked.

(Start of new writing technique)

"Listen,Ill be honest with you,I don't trust're hiding something and I'm going to figure out what it is,"

"Hiding something?what do you mean?"

Don't play normal human being has that strong of a grip,"

"My grip is naturally stronger than normal beings,so you are partly right,but no that's not the case in the way you're thinking,"

"Eyes don't change colour,especially not if they're are two completely different colours,"

My eyes and grip strength are two completely different subjects,"

"I don't know what happened to you in the past,but you aren't the shuichi we've grown to know,"

Shuichi sighed.

"Listen,I do have reasons why I'm like this and if you don't mind,I would prefer it if you would keep to yourself,"

(End of writing change)

Shuichi pushed past maki,"we're done here,I need to check on ouma-kun,".

Maki didn't like this.

"Why do you even care for him!he an asshole,who treats this terrifying killing game like a joke! He doesn't care for any of us!he deserves to die!"she exclaimed.

Shuichi stopped.he seemed to be frozen.those words repeated themselves constantly for a minute.he twisted his head and looked maki dead in the eyes.

"What did you just say about ouma?"

Word count:370

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