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The days went by and the class actually got to know shuichi and kokichi better.They now knew a lot more about the two and a bit about themselves.

Quite a few of the two were second guessing their opinions on kokichi as well.

The school I was gradually peaceful for a while, until Monokuma called for another motive drop.

Everyone came to the hall and saw the black and white bear wearing his usual wide grin on his face.

"Helloooo students!"it exclaimed.

Nobody responded.

"Hm,rude. Anyways,I'm gonna be turning you two back to  normal!"monokuma pointed to shuichi and kokichi as he said so.

They both stood on the stage and the same procedures as when they were given their memories were completed.

They weren't asleep for as long as they were the first time as they woke up around 10 minutes after monokuma had left the gym. Shuichi woke up first, kokichi second.

With a painful headache from the shock of the chair,a half-asleep shuichi heard an incredibly loud shout.

"Shuichi! Glad to see you're better again!"

"Kaito....? What do you mean better,I'm completely fine. The last thing I remember was monokuma and a motive..."the bluenette seemed to be experiencing some sort of memory loss.

"Kokichis awake!"himiko exclaimed.

Everyone turned to see the shorter male rubbing his eyes,trying to adjust to the light.

"Ow my head....hm?oh shumai,what are you doing?"he asked.

"You two should go and get some rest, that shock most likely drained a lot of your energy,"kirumi stated.

Shuichi rubbed his head," yeah, that might be a good idea kirumi..,"he started to walk off the stage.


"Huh-oh...yeah I'm coming..."he replied.

As the two left the gym for their rooms, everyone started discussing something.

"Why is kokichi acting so strange still?"

"I don't know...we'll have to figure out some time later, but let's just let them rest for now they seem in pain,"

Everyone agreed and the students carried on.

kokichi acted odd for the whole day, zoning out and when he was, he wasn't trying to be annoying.

Everyone noticed just didn't bring it up.

It was 1:00am in the morning and kokichi ouma was staring at his plain Maroon-coloured ceiling.

"Why do I....

"Why do I still remember these memories?"

Word count:400

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