Chapter 9-bipolar

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T/W-mentions of abuse,mental abuse

(So if your wondering what's with the title,basically in the authors note I stated that shuichi had issues of his own.

Now,he does not have bipolar disorder,don't get it mixed up.also please don't come at me.I have done my research and the representation of bipolar is not a very accurate representation as I do not have this disorder.

though shuichi acts extremely bipolar with his mood swings and all that shit,it's cause of his trauma.

And by the way,kokichi is telling the story,because shuichi doesn't feel comfortable saying it himself.

So there's an explanation)

Shuichi saihara has issues of his own,regarding his own trauma.

He had a rough childhood,filled with abuse and pressure to be perfect.ever since a young age it's been like that and it never changed.

it also didn't help he had a strong grip,he would hurt people accidentally and be called a monster,a disappointment and that's what scared him the most.not being good enough was his biggest fear throughout his life.

So,he pretended.he pretendnd to be ordinary civilian of society.he smiled most of the time he was at school,at home, was all just a reality,he never wanted anything to do with his family,school.he hated it all.

Until i appeared.the moment I walked through those doors he had a sudden urge to protect me or something.I was never helpless but I allowed people to do whatever they wanted to do to me.shuichi protected me every time,but I wasn't really interested in friends.

He was somewhat of a bother at first,but when I gave in and socialised with him,he was surprisingly sweet.we bonded and I made my first friend.

After a few months of us being friends I opened up to him about my trauma.he said he felt sorry for me,he also explained his trauma to was didn't sound it from someone else's perspective, but being pressured into being perfect and being harmed even if you did the slightest thing wrong,that's harsh.

He decided that it may be better if we live together,which I didn't mind since we both lived alone.if anything,I thought it would be nice having someone to watch over me as my parents were extremely...busy 24/7.

He's always protected me against others and I've always returned the favour.after a while,we started dating...

(End of style)

"And that's pretty much it,"

"Oh goodness,I'm so sorry for asking shuichi!"kaede exclaimed(not that loud)in a sorrowful tone.

"No no,don't worry about it!you were curious,"saihara answered reassuringly.

"Anyways,I gotta get going now!I told mui I would meet her in her lab!"the girl waved goodbye as she ran down the hallway.

"Are you alright?"shuichi asked checking up on him.

He knew ouma didn't really like social situations,but sometimes forced himself to socialise so people would leave him alone.

"Yeah,they all seem...nice,"the purplenette replied.

Shuichi smiled,"I'm glad,".

"Anyways what was that about before?"kokichi wondered.

"Rantaro informed me that maki wanted to speak with me.she knew something was off about me and confronted me about it.then she proceeded to ask why I cared for you,and then said that you deserved to,I kinda snapped,"he explained.

"Oh.makes sense.anyway,let's go get your pills,"ouma pulled shuichis arm and they walked out into the hallway over to shuichis room.

Word count:593

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