Prologue: Fare thee well, Jaune Arc

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"Struggle, endure, contend. For that alone is the sword of one who defies death. Do not forget these words."

- Skull Knight




[Would Mr. Jaune Arc please report to the headmaster's office?] The speakers blared for a moment before shutting off.

"Ohhhh, someone's in trouble!" Nora said with a smile.

Jaune gave her a flat, withering look that Goodwitch would have been proud of.

With a sigh, Jaune stood up from the table and looked over to Pyrrha, who looked at him with a worried look, gave her one back, and then continued to make his leave from the cafeteria, a d to Ozpin's office.

When he reached the elevator, Jaune gulped loudly, and his hand was shaking as he lifted it to press the button to call the elevator.

Did they find out about my transcript? It had to be about that, there was no other reason for him to be called. Too caught up in his own thoughts, he failed to notice the elevator giving off a cheerful ding, signaling that he had arrived, as the doors slid open, and Jaune looked forward to seeing Headmaster Ozpin sitting at his desk.

Ozpin looked right at him with a soft smile on his face, "Do come in, Mr. Arc," Ozpin told him

With a shaky foot, Jaune stepped out of the elevator and once he did, the doors of the elevator closed, and Jaune wanted to look back and see his only escape route disappear, but he swallowed hard and pressed forward, knowing that he needed to face the problem head-on.

Ozpin sat at his desk, eyes leveled at Jaune. "Please, take a seat, Mr. Arc," Ozpin said, gesturing to an open chair across from him at his desk.

Jaune did as the Headmaster suggested and he sat down, and he began fiddling nervously with his hands. His heart pounding.

"I assume you know why you're here, Mr. Arc?" Ozpin asked.

Jaune gave him a forcibly blank look that was not very convincing, but he still needed to act as innocent as possible in case this was about his transcripts. "I think I have an idea, sir," Jaune replied

Ozpin raised his eyebrow at his student, a smirk on his face. "You seem nervous, Mr. Arc," Ozpin stated, "Please take a few deep breaths to relax," Ozpin told him

Jaune did so and after a few deep breaths in and out of his nose, he felt a little less uneasy, but still prepared himself for the blow he was expecting.

"Now, how are you feeling? Less nervous I hope?" Ozpin asked

Jaune nodded, "Yeah, I do feel less nervous, thank you, Headmaster," Jaune replied

Ozpin smiled, "Good, then we can get back to back to the matter at hand," Ozpin told him, lacing his fingers together as if he was a councilman addressing the public.

Jaune gulped, but nodded, "So... the reason I was called in?" Jaune asked

"It's about your transcripts." Ozpin said, "We were given a tip from a student that you had falsified the transcript, and, after a surprising amount of digging, we confirmed that your transcript was indeed false," Ozpin said, and then let out a sigh, "Mr. Arc, the rules of this academy dictate that I expel you," Ozpin told him

Jaune grimaced. Yup, saw that coming seven miles away.

"But I believe that you are too valuable as a huntsman to let go," Ozpin told him

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