Chapter 20: New Member

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Jaune blocked Joanna's swing with his shield and quickly pushed her staff away and turned to block May's Attack Jaune quickly kicked her away only for her to vanish, and while he knew that was a problem. He turned back to Joanna, seeing her fire off two bolts at him, he quickly deflected the attack with his sword and then charged at her and swung his blade, only for her to block it with her staff, she then pushed it away and twirled it before swinging it again and hitting Jaune in his upper right arm, causing the young man to wince.

Among the Huntresses, Joanna Greenleaf was a powerhouse, her strength was almost on par with the likes of Nora, and her skill with her Crossbow/staff was just as fast and elegant as Ruby's moves with her scythe.

It was the reason why Jaune focused on her more, she was just as skilled as Robyn with a lot more bite to her bark, so to speak, however, she wasn't the only troublesome person Jaune had to fight...

Jaune pushed passed the pain and tried to swing at Joanna, but Joanna avoided the attack and twirled her staff to hit Jaune again, but he blocked her attack with his shield and ducked under her and slashed Joanna across her stomach, lowering her aura decently, before he got behind her, and prepared another strike but May then appeared to his left and jabbed him across the face with her staff, causing him to stagger toward his right.

May Marigold was the Huntress's assassin so to speak. May's semblance allowed her and anyone with her to be invisible, and she had mastered the art of stealth, as despite being surrounded by snow, Jaune couldn't hear her steps crunching in the snow, and the fact that she could disappear and reappear in an instant made it more difficult for him to track her.

Jaune shook his head and regained his composure and saw both female huntresses on their guard. Jaune glared at them and gripped both his sword and shield and charged at them, he quickly swing at Joanna, but she blocked it, and May swung at him, however, Jaune jumped back and saw May's staff hit the ground.

Jaune then kicked it out of her hand and then bashed her with his shield, Joanna backed away and aimed her crossbow at Jaune, Jaune then turned around to see Joanna's weapon aimed at him and she charged at her just as she fired, Jaune dodged the bolt and pulled his sword back, preparing to swing at her, however, Joanna jumped back from the attack and when Jaune's attack didn't land, she stepped forward and jabbed him in the stomach with her staff.

Jaune grunted in pain but then quickly regained himself and with his sword, he struck her staff from the bottom and caused her to lose her staff as it flew in the air, Jaune then pointed his blade at Joanna's neck.

"It's over," He declared.

"You sure blondie?"

Jaune then felt the end of May's crossbow pressed against the back of his head and he cursed to himself, he had let his guard down and allowed himself to be caught off guard.

"I think that's enough for now," Robyn said from the sidelines.

The three lowered their weapons and watched as Robyn and Fiona walked up to them.

Robyn looked at the blonde with a smile, "You've improved, Jaune, still got some ways to go, but you're a fast learner, and with that little trick I told you about, I bet you'll be able to defeat any person who gets in your way," Robyn said, "But you did let your guard down, whenever you're overpowered by numbers, don't stay more be forced into one place or sport, move and attack as much as you can, but don't get greedy, attack as much as you can then gain some distance,"

Jaune nodded with understanding, "Thanks," Jaune replied.

Robyn nodded, "Also, with dealing with people like May who can turn invisible, don't look in front of you, look to the ground, while you might not be able to hear her footsteps, you can at least see them in the snow,"

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