Chapter 3: Nevermore

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For now, this story has two halves planned out, (A third half might be planned out). The 1st half is "Jaune's travels" and has 7 Acts planned out.

Branwen Act (Chapters 1-5)

Pine Act (Chapters 6-11)

Spider Act (Chapters 12-15)

Argus Act (Chapters 16-17)

Atlas Act (Chapters 18-)

Patch Act (Chapters ?)

Shade Act (Chapters ?)

Each Act explores a certain theme. The Branwen Act deals with the loss of innocence. Which I'm sure you'll understand in both this chapter and the next one.

Also, a review from AverageReadingEnjoyer, over on asked if the Vytal Festival and the Fall of Beacon will still happen or if it will be delayed for story purposes.

Yes, it will. The Vytal Festival is set to happen during the second year of this story. As for some events that happen back in Vale, most of Volume 1's events happened as Canon. However, the events of Volume 2 will not be the same, the fight with Roman still occurs and Roman and the Fang are still stealing dust, but since the Ball nor the Breach will happen, Cinder is simply waiting for her time to strike.





It's been three days since Jaune and Vernal's first spar and since Jaune has been a "guest" of the tribe. Now, on the 4th day, and late that evening, in the Branwen tribe, another spar between Vernal and Jaune was taking place.

Vernal had a few small cuts around her arms but nothing serious, Jaune was a little ragged but was holding up, both were fairing much better than their first spar. Vernal shot at him but Jaune managed to dodge the first few shots and quickly blocked the rest with his shield, but that's when the shots stop and Vernal was out of ammo, so Jaune lowered his shield and charged at her, intending to send her to the ground and "end" her life, as she had put it.

However, with only one pistol now, she could load her weapon faster and quicker, but as she put the magazine in, Jaune swung his sword at her, but she ducked under the swing and quickly fired two shots into his gut, causing him to stagger back, but he regained himself and slashed at her, this time cutting her across the side, not deep but enough to sting.

Vernal winced from the pain, but she spun around and delivered a kick to the side of his head, throwing Jauen to the side and causing him to land on the ground hard, but he looked up and saw Vernal aiming her pistol right at his face, but he rolled out of the way and quickly kicked her feet from under her, causing her to fall onto her back, giving Jaune the chance to get on top of her and pointed her sword down at her.

"I've got you," Jaune told her, ready to deliver the "killing blow".

Vernal looked up and smiled, "Do ya?" Vernal asked.

She then raised her pistol and shot him in the side, causing him to freeze up a little, but gave Vernal the perfect time to kick him off of her and push him to the side, which allowed her to get on top of him, however, she put one knee on his shield arm and used her free hand restrain his sword hand and aimed her pistol right at his face, with a smug smirk.

"Now, I've got you," Vernal said

Jaune sighed and knew she was right, before he could move his arm, Vernal could technically shoot him dead.

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