Chapter 21: Snowfall

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A/N: I've been thinking a lot and I don't want to write everything down at the beginning of the Chapter so read the chapter before reading what I have to say. It's not about future plans for the story, but about how this story has affected me.

If you want to read what I have to say, go to the end of the chapter, read that, and then read the chapter.

Anyway, here we go!





Jaune, Fiona, and Deery finished shopping for clothes and left the store, and thankfully, there was only one bag that was filled with clothes that Jaune needed, which was being stored with Fiona's semblance.

Fiona walked next to Jaune and smiled as she patted him on the back, "See, did you enjoy yourself?" Fiona asked.

Jaune gave her a quick nod but didn't look at her, "Yeah," He said with his lackluster tone, "Thank you," He told her.

Fiona rolled her eyes, "Don't mention it," She said, still smiling. Fiona then turned to Deery, "If Robyn lets you join, you're gonna be wearing the uniform," Fiona told her, gesturing at her own clothes.

Deery looked at her with a raised brow, "Uh, do I have to? I kind of like how this fits me," Deery told the sheep faunus, pointing at her own clothes.

Fiona shrugged, "You might be able to keep them, the Uniform is just what the four of us like to wear to represent us, but as long as you got the pin, you're one of us," Fiona told her.

As the two were talking and they were all with that the three make their way back toward the base, Jaune felt a sensation on the back of his neck, one that told him, trouble was incoming. So he stopped and turned around to look only to see two girls approach them from behind, one definitely appeared to be from Atlas.

It was Ciel and Penny.

Penny appeared to be unarmed while Ciel had a cutlass strapped to her side as well as a holster that held what appeared to be a six-shooter on her other side. 

Jaune glared at the two girls as they continued to approach and knew he needed to notify Fiona. "Fiona, 6:00," Jaune said.

Fiona and Deery turned around only to see the two girls walking toward them, and Fiona recognized the uniform that Ciel was wearing as the uniform that some cadets wear in Atlas Academy.

"Shit," Fiona said. She went for her staff but realized that she had left it back at the base, 'Damn it! How could I have been so stupid to leave my weapon back there!?' she thought.

Noticing this, Jaune stepped in front of the two as the girls finally stood in front of them, and he looked at Penny and Ciel, the two noticed his defensive behavior but did not back down.

"Excuse me, I am Ciel Soliel and this is Penny Polendina, we're looking for members of the Happy Huntresses," Ciel told him, "You wouldn't have seen any of them, would you?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

Jaune knew she was being coy and was annoyed, so he decided to play along, "No, haven't seen them," he replied.

"Really? Then what is Fiona Thyme, a known member of the Happy Huntresses doing behind you?" Ciel asked.

Under his cloak, Jaune grabbed his sword, preparing for the worst. "What do you want with her?" Jaune asked.

Penny and Ciel felt something dark and foreboding coming off the tall blonde boy, it felt like they were being looked down on by Ironwood, but it was much more malevolent.

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