Chapter 7: A Joke About God

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boywhogirl: Thank you! It means a lot that you think that but it's still very, very, very, far off from being a masterpiece.


Update: The Shade Act so far has Chapters 32-47, which is 16 chapters, planned out which is a lot longer than most of the Acts before it.

The Branwen act had 5 Chapters, The Pine Act had 6 chapters altogether (4 left as of now), The Spider act has 4 chapters, Argus Act only has 2, The Atlas Act has 8, and The Patch Act has 6.

I'm not even close to being finished with the Shade Act! That's how possibly long that Act is!

Now, I'll let one thing slip about the Shade Act, just because in my eyes it isn't that big of a spoiler nor does it tell you what the Act is about or what the Characters will go through.

Chapters 32-36 are not about Jaune, Vernal, or any Character that will travel with Jaune on his Journey, in fact, Jaune and the characters that are traveling with him won't appear until chapter 37. We'll be focusing on an entirely different character, but one that many of you are familiar with.

That is all I am going to give you. :)

Anyway, thank you all once again for reading today's chapter and I hope you like it!





It's been a day since they had taken the job on the farm, and right now, it was in the middle of the day, both Jaune and Oscar were in the garden, removing all the large rocks they could find before they had to plow it the next day, and it was really difficult finding almost every large or medium-sized stones that might affect the plow machine.

Jaune stood up straight and wiped the sweat off his brow, and took a few breaths, before he turned his head and looked at Oscar, "I still can't believe someone your age can do this almost every 6 months," He said

Oscar turned to the older teen and smiled, "You get used to it the longer you do it, trust me," Oscar told him, "I'm just glad that I have some help this time, it gets a little boring when it's just me or me and my aunt,"

Jaune laughed, "Glad I can be of service, Mr. Pine," Jaune said in a phony country tone.

Oscar laughed as he put a rock down in the wheelbarrow, and looks at Jaune, "So... What's it like being a huntsman?"

Jaune picks up two good-sized rocks and set them in his wheelbarrow, and then he turned to the young teen with a bit of a glum look, "It's... It's a tough job, scary sometimes too, but it can be fun sometimes with the traveling and with the friends you make along the way," Jaune replied.

"How long have you been traveling?" Oscar asked the blonde knight.

Jaune pondered for a few seconds before answering, "I think two months by now," Jaune replied.

Oscar nodded, "Are you and Vernal partners?" Oscar asked, "I heard that Huntsmen have partners when they attend one of the Huntsmen schools," Oscar said.

Jaune thought about it, and for a split second, he was gonna tell Oscar that he and Vernal weren't partners, but considered what they had been through and what they had shared with each other. "Yeah, she and I are partners," Jaune replied.

Oscar smiled, "Is she also your girlfriend?" Oscar asked

Jaune looked at him with a bit of a blush, "N-No," Jaune replied.

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