Chapter 17: Rest your weary head...

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"I just need to rest, that's all, to rest and sleep some, and maybe die a little," - George RR Martin





At the Cotta-Arc home, they were all sitting down in the living room, Oscar was playing with Adrien on the floor.

"Before we begin, I think some introductions are in order," Terra said.

"My name's Vernal, the Older woman here is Maria Calavera, and kid is Oscar Pine," Vernal replied.

Terra nodded, "It's nice to meet you all," Terra said, "I'm Terra Cotta-Arc, and you've already met my wife Saphron, and of course, our son, Adrien," Terra replied.

Saphron looked to Vernal and wanted to get to the point, "So, we're here," She said, "Now tell me, how do you know my brother?"

Vernal looked at her and steeled her nerves as she began, "Do you know how your brother got into Beacon?" She asked.

Saphron shook her head, "No," She replied, shen then looked to Terra, "Do you know?" She asked.

Terra shook her head as well, "No, I don't think he told us how he got in,"

Saphron nodded, "Right, it was a bit of a shock though, I never knew how he got in despite our dad never teaching him anything related to combat, or even attending a Combat school," she finished.

Vernal let out a sigh before she would reveal the news to the two older women. "He lied his way in," Vernal said, "He got his hand on some fake transcripts and got into Beacon, but somehow, Headmaster Ozpin found out and kicked him out for the rest of the year, but offered Jaune a chance to come back for his 2nd year, wanting him to get some real-world experience,"

Saphron and Terra were shocked to learn that Jaune lied his way in, but another question was on the older Arc's mind.

"Then how did you two meet?" She asked.

Vernal was hesitant to say how, but Saphron deserved the truth. "I... I was a Bandit of the Branwen tribe, I and another of my... former tribe, tried to rob Jaune, but he managed to beat us, that was until Raven came along,"

Saphron's eyes widened with shock, "MY BROTHER FOUGHT RAVEN BRANWEN!?" Saphron cried.

Vernal nodded, "Yeah, he lasted a lot longer than I expected, but she managed to stab him, though, instead of letting him bleed out on the road, she wanted us to patch him up and bring him with us," Vernal finished.

Saphron was confused why Raven had spared her brother's life, "Why would Raven do that?" She asked. "What would she even gain from that?"

"From what she told Jaune, I guess she and your old man have some history back when they were students of Beacon," Vernal told her. "As for what she had to gain, I guess your dad was the only one who could keep up with her, so, she saw potential in him and wanted to make him part of the tribe,"

Saphron was once again shocked, finding out her father and the most wanted woman of Mistral knew each other was shattering what she knew about her dad's history.

Terra saw her wife's reaction and decided to continue the conversation, "Please, go on," She told Vernal.

Vernal nodded and began to speak again. "After Raven patched him up, he and I were partnered together, he never participated in raids, instead just dealing with Grimm, however, one day, Jaune and I were led away by another tribe member, he ambushed us and shot me and they tied him down to watch me die, it was a ploy by Raven to get Jaune to awaken his Semblance, it worked, but at a cost, He did something he never could take back..." Vernal said, her voice slowly breaking.

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