Chapter 13: Too Far Already

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Update 10:

SPOILERS! Nah... with the shit that happened in C6 of Volume 9, I'm extremely freaking worried for Jaune. Not only that but I have a few theories about what happened with Lewis.

The cat said that Alyx made it out, but there are also a lot of theories that it's Lewis as Alyx and Alyx is the Jabberwalker, which makes a bit of sense since we hear Jaune say that Alyx didn't think the rules of the world applied to her and did what she wanted, and the Jabberwalker seems to... Glitch? (I don't think that's the right word), and can seemingly kill something for good and stop the "Ascension".

Turns out the lovely fairy tale wasn't so light and lovely, what a surprise...

Also, If I may share one worry of mine about this story, is that this story is pretty long, and I mean Long. I've planned out 56 chapters and I'm not even close to being done, and that worries me because I feel as if no one will stick around for a story that long.

This makes me wonder if I should cut a few acts out of the story altogether, which will suck because that means cutting a few characters' arcs short.

The only longest RWBY story I can think of is King-Mac-11's "Arcs of the Multiverse" which has 173 chapters and "The Games We Play" By Ryuugi which has 240 chapters.

These stories give me hope but I still worry. I just wanted to share that and let me know what you guys think.





Vernal's eyes opened slowly, her vision still blurry, and she rubbed her eyes and her vision slowly began to clear, as it did, she looked around the room only to see that Jaune was nowhere to be found, she quickly got up and looked around the room for the blonde only to find a note on her nightstand. She grabbed it and it told her that he had left early to walk the streets just so he could stay clear from the and also to stick to the plan they had come up with the night before.

She kept looking at the note and sighed heavily before she set the note back down on the nightstand and walked over to Oscar to wake him, and once she did, she told him to get ready while he went over to Maria's room, which was just a few doors down the hall. Once she arrived at Maria's room, the older woman was already awake and eating, Vernal told her to get ready because they would be leaving soon.

After waking the old lady, the three prepared themselves for the day. Once finished, the three left the motel and made their way to their destination.

Now, Vernal, Oscar, and Maria stood in front of Widows Tuffet, the Spider's HQ bar. Vernal and Maria were the only two armed, Vernal had her daggers sheathed behind her and it turned out Maria's cane was a small scythe, and Oscar was told to leave his sword in the room where they were staying.

Vernal looked at Oscar, her brow raised, "Can you control yourself?" She asked, more concerned than strict.

Oscar turned to her and Vernal nodded. "Yeah... yeah I can," he replied.

Vernal looked at him, very hesitant to let him come with but he was already here and this was Jaune's plan, and they had to trust him. So she nodded back at him and the three entered the bar, and once they did, they heard every conversation be held quickly shut down and all eyes shot toward them, and all of them felt a little uneasy at first, but they walked into the bar, the door closing behind them and they walked forward before being stopped by one of the gang members.

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