Chapter 27: Smile More

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Due to working a closing shift at my Job today, and won't get off around 9 or 10, I'll be posting this now since I know that I'll be far too tired to post it when I get back, and while part of me wants to wait, I know that with my busy schedule for the week, I'll forget.

So, I think it's better to post this early, rather than forget about it until the weekend!

So here you go! I hope you enjoy it!







It was night and Jaune lay asleep on the floor while Deery slept on the bed, however, as the blonde lay on the ground, many shadowy hands appeared out of the ground and wrapped around Jaune's body.

Feeling this, Jaune's eyes quickly opened and he looked around to see the hands grabbing his arms, legs, chest, and waist. Jaune was about to scream when one hand wrapped around his mouth, silencing him.

Suddenly, he felt himself sinking and all he could see was darkness before he finally landed hard on a rock and felt like all of the air in his body had left him. Eventually, he regained his breathing and stood up only to see himself in front of what he could only be described as a battlefield. Bodies lay around him, covered with wounds, mud, and blood. Everyone was dead, and Jaune was shocked, he was scared and confused as to what was going on.

Suddenly, some of the bodies began to slowly rise to their feet in an unnatural manner and when they finally stood up, they turned to face Jaune, causing the blonde eyes to widen with horror.

"Jaune!" They cried in unison. "You've finally come," They said together one more.

Jaune stepped back only for hands to wrap around his neck and other hands to wrap around his arms, holding him in place. Jaune tried to free himself and yet, he couldn't, while there were only a few hands holding him back, it felt like there were more, it was as if 20 people were holding him back, locking him in place.

"Lookie here~! You've finally arrived~!"

Jaune looked up only to see that standing atop a tall rock was Shay, his face mangled due to Jaune bashing his face in with his shield.

"S-Shay...?" Jaune muttered with a confused expression.

"Heya there, Jaune," Shay said with a wave, "Looks like you finally made it!"

Jaune was confused and his terror was rising. "Made it...? Where... am I?" Jaune asked, his voice shaky.

Shay began to laugh, "Where!? Where else would someone like you be!?" Shay asked with a cackle, "WELCOME TO THE VOID!"

Jaune looked around only to see the people he killed appearing before him, some coming out of the rocks like smoke, some crawling their way out of the dirt, and all of them moving toward him. Jaune tried to free himself, trying to get away from the dead that surrounded him, but he was stuck, held back by the very people he had killed, unable to free himself.

Suddenly, his eyes opened and he quickly sat up and looked around frantically, only to find himself no longer surrounded by the dead, but by the four walls of Tai's guest room and all he heard was the slight breathing of Deery as she slept. Jaune stood up and saw that Zwei had snuck into the room, hopped onto the bed, and slept with Deery.

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