Chapter 1: Branwen

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Edit: So far, this story has two halves, the 1st half is "Jaune's travels" and the 2nd half is "Return to Beacon". Jaune's Journey will take him from Mistral to Atlast to Vacuo before returning to Vale. With each Kingdom, Jaune will get someone to join his party.

Chapters 1-5 which will be called the "Branwen Act" is where Jaune will get his first friend and follower along his journey.

Chapters 6-11 which will be called the "Pine Act" is where Jaune will get his second followers along his journey.

Chapter 12 is the beginning of what is going to be called the "Spider Act" but is still a work in progress.

So far, 3 acts of the first half of the story have been planned out but many more are on their way that will involve people and things like Fiona, May M, Winter, Jaques, Willow, Whitely, Marrow, Carmine, Sun, and Velvet.





In a small Village in south Anima, Jaune Arc was buying supplies from a local shop after a long trip on a boat from Vale's docks to Anima's only open docks, which happened to be down south.

"That's one tent, a sleeping bag, a 12 pack of MREs, and a small survival kit," said the clerk, "All that will be 110 Lien,"

Jaune looked in his wallet and found the cash he needed and handed it to the clerk, the clerk took it and saw that there was some changed and handed it to Jaune and he took it. Jaune thanked the clerk and took what he bought outside and began packing it all up.

Thankfully his backpack wasn't full and he could fit the MREs and the survival kit inside. As for the tent and the sleeping bag, he was able to strap the sleeping bag to the front of the backpack and hook the tent to the bottom. With all that done, he got everything he had and prepared to make his way to Shion.

Jaune planned to get some supplies here in the village, make his way to Shion and pick up some more supplies, and travel along the road and get some experience, both in survival as well as fighting Grimm, his first major destination was Mistral, and then eventually making his way to Argus to visit his sister and her family for a bit. Once the visit was over he'd travel to Mantle and see about taking a trip to Atlas Academy, see if he could train there for a bit, and then after that, he'd make his way to Vacuo, a place he hadn't been but he had heard a lot about it and the people that live there.

He didn't know how long he would stay in each kingdom, but he would do his best to stay in each country, gain experience from his time there, and enjoy the culture there.

However, he wasn't going to leave the village just yet and managed to find a motel where he was going to rest for the night and then leave right in the morning.

Once Jaune made his way to his room and unlocked the door with a key he was given, turned on the light and he walked in, it was a one-bedroom room with a shower and a Tv, which wasn't bad. He smiled and entered the room and quickly set his backpack to the side and closed the door and locked it behind him, and then he unbuckled his belt that held Crocea Mors and set it on a small table, and he let out a heavy sigh and sat on the bed, and he wondered what the others at Beacon were doing.

"it's gotta be night by now, right?" Jaune asked himself, "I wonder if Ruby's staying up late and reading comics again, or if Ren is meditating, or maybe Nora's bugging him so much he can't focus," Jaune began with a smile, "I... I wonder if Pyrrha's on the roof?" He said

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