Chapter 30: My Home

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Long A/N at the end of the Chapter, Please Read!

(Also, this was supposed to be posted earlier around 6:30 Mountain time, but I fell asleep so it's being posted now! Sorry!)







In Tai's living room, everyone, besides Qrow and Tai, was gathered and sat on the furniture, Vernal sat on the recliner, Jaune sat on the couch with Oscar and Maria, Deery sat on one of the couches arms and Tai sat on the other recliner.

Jaune looked at Vernal, "How'd you find me here?" He asked with a bit of a smile.

Vernal sat forward and looked at him, "We've been following your path for a while, ever since you left us back In mistral, we arrived in Mantle and asked around for you hoping you were still around, but eventually, we ran into Robyn, we told her who we were and making sure we were telling the truth with her Semblance, she decided to help us and told us everything that happened while you were in Mantle," Vernal told him. "I guess she called in a favor from that General Ironwood, and he was able to find where you went and told her, she told us, and we flew here," She told him.

"Sounds like quite the trip," Jaune replied.

Vernal nodded, "It was, but... before we made it to Mantle, we stopped in Argus," She told him, "We met Saphron and Terra,"

Jaune's eyes widened with shock as he heard this, wondering how they met. "How did you meet them?" She asked.

"It was by chance honestly," Oscar butted in with a small smile. "We were looking for a place to stay and that's when we met them," He told Jaune.

Vernal took in a deep breath and then exhaled, "We told them about what had happened," she said.

Jaune looked a little afraid when he heard that, wondering how Saphron and Terra reacted as they now knew about the things he had done, but that's when Vernal put her hand on his knee to get his attention, and he looked at her as she looked at him with a reassuring expression.

"She was shocked, she couldn't believe everything that happened, but that didn't change a thing," Vernal told him, "She still loves you, Jaune, and she wanted to let you know that no matter what, she's still your big sister,"

Hearing that, Jaune couldn't help but feel some weight be lifted off of him, knowing that Saphron, the sister he was closest to still loved him after all that he had done, made him feel so much better.

"We also heard about what happened in Mantle and who this is," Maria said while pointing at Deery. "I guess you picked up another stray along the way, eh?"

"Hey!" Deery cried with an annoyed look.

Jaune nodded slowly, "Yeah, Deery's gonna be traveling with us," He told Maria, "I made a promise to keep her safe and I intend to keep it like I have been with Oscar," he said.

Oscar looked at Jaune with a raised brow, "Can she fight?" He asked.

Jaune nodded, "She's still a little rough around the edges, but she can fight with a bo-staff like the Happy Huntresses," He told him.

Tai then butted into the conversation as he looked to Oscar, "What about you kid, you trained?" He asked.

Oscar nodded, "Yeah, been training ever since I started traveling with Jaune and Vernal," He told Tai.

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