Chapter 9: Trespassers

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Update 6:

I now have Discord server! On it, we'll share fanfic ideas, give feedback on ideas, and hobbies, simply chat about anything, and talk about RWBY or any other show! So if you'd like, please come and join, there's a link on my profile.

Also, I'm just beginning to plan Part 2's Acts, where everything with the Salem Plot will come to light (but won't be the big bad just yet) with a few changes to certain aspects such as: Salem's Plan and how to destroy the Gods, The Origin of the Relics and their spirits.

Salem's plan to destroy the gods is my own little thing I came up with and the relics will still be involved. The origin of the Relics and why they have spirits will also be explained in a bit more detail, and it'll be a somewhat sad one as each of the four spirits, (I named Destruction and Choice myself based on things related to gods) have a connection to the brother gods.

P.S: Today's Chapter might be a little shorter than its usual length.





In the living room, Jaune and Oscar were boarding up the windows, preparing for when, not if, when Spider showed up. Jaune held up the planks while Oscar hammered them in the sides, meanwhile, Vernal and Melissa were doing the same thing with the upstairs windows, as well as making sure they had enough ammo both for their own weapons and a gun that Oscar was meant to use, however, Jaune hoped that he wouldn't have to use it anytime soon.

Jaune looked at Oscar as he was hammering a nail into the end of the board. "You ever shot a gun before?" he asked.

"Couple of times," Oscar said as he finished, he then grabbed another one, and began hammering again, "A few small Grimm and animals, but I... I never shot at anyone," He replied.

"I know what you mean," Jaune said, "It wasn't easy for me when I started training, I was afraid i might kill someone, but I remembered they have Aura, and so if I hit them they'd be fine," Jaune told the young boy.

Oscar stopped hammering and looked to Jaune, "I... I wonder how people deal with it," Oscar asked sadly but returned to hammering in the nails.

"Deal with what?" Jaune asked.

"Killing someone," Oscar replied

Jaune stopped, he already felt the familiar presence rear its ugly head, 'Yes, why don't you tell him how you deal with it! Hehehehe!' The Beowulf cackled.

Jaune hated when that damn presence, but he continued to ignore the Beowulf, and looked at the young teen, "It isn't easy," Jaune replied. "Trust me,"

Oscar stopped and glanced at Jaune with a look of realization. "Jaune, have you... have you killed anyone before,"

Jaune turned to him, a serious look in his eyes, "Yes," Jaune said.

"But you... you had a good reason, right?" Oscar asked.

'HAHAHAHAHAHA! Come on! Tell him! Tell him how you slaughtered those guys without mercy! How good it felt to finally bash your shield in that fucking bandit's Skull!' The Beowulf cried.

Jaune wanted to yell at the beast, but all he could do was ignore it. Oscar saw that Jaune looked troubled and then he looked away, not answering. "Jaune? You did have a good reason, right?" Oscar asked again.

"I don't think I did," Jaune replied.

Oscar felt saddened by Jaune's response, he wanted to know more, wondering how someone like Jaune could kill someone, but he could feel the awkward tension and decided to change the subject. "Are you afraid?" he asked.

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