Chapter 33: Fear of the Future

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A/N: I'll be posting this tonight (which is 3/31/24) because I'll be unfortnatly working all day tomorrow and away from my computer, so I'll be posting this now.

Also a vast change to my writing will be present, but I hope it isn't to jarring that it makes the chapter unreadable. If it makes it seem like a different writer wrote this chapter, that's kind what I want because I feel like a totally different writer then I was last year, and also because I was severerly disappointed with the last chapter, because it felt like it wasn't on par with what came before and it didn't feel like what I wanted to portray for this Act and what I wanted for the future of this story...

So, I pushed myself to change my writing style with this story and a few others because I wanted this story and my style to be miles ahead of what it was last year.

So, I hope you like it and I hope the new style isn't to jarring that it takes away from the joy of the chapter.

Anyway, onto the chapter! Love you guys!







chaos erupted the moment dinner within the tribe was finished, as a group of bandits descended upon the tribe. Despite their lack of explosives and modern weaponry, their sheer numbers and the handful of vehicles they possessed posed a significant threat to the tribe. The campsite was overrun, with bandits swarming every corner, overwhelming the tribe's warriors who struggled to defend everyone.

Amidst the commotion, cries of panic and the clashing of weapons filled the air. The bandits, emboldened by their surprise attack, showed no mercy as they plundered and pillaged, leaving destruction in their wake. The tribe's members scrambled to find safety, but the bandits seemed to be everywhere at once, making it nearly impossible to escape unscathed.

In the midst of the turmoil, the tribe's leaders rallied their forces, attempting to coordinate a defense against the relentless onslaught. However, with the bandits spreading chaos throughout the camp, their efforts were met with limited success.

Amidst the chaos unfolding around them, Starr and Sun took charge of guiding the younger children away from the turmoil, fully aware that their primary responsibility was to ensure the safety of the younger members of their group. With Starr leading from the front and Sun guarding the rear, they formed a protective barrier around the children, shielding them from the danger that lurked in every direction.

Their path to safety was fraught with obstacles as they navigated through the battlefield, with debris strewn about and the sounds of battle echoing in the distance. Despite the challenges, Starr and Sun remained steadfast in their mission, determined to see the younger children to safety.

After managing to gain a safe distance away from the raid upon their tribe, Starr swiftly redirected her attention to the group of children, her expression grave as she addressed them. "Did anyone get left behind?" she inquired urgently.

The children collectively shook their heads, signaling their safety, and Starr breathed a sigh of relief. However, her moment of respite was abruptly shattered as a bullet struck her shoulder, sending her sprawling backward from the force of the impact.

A surge of horror rippled through Sun as he watched Starr fall, his heart pounding with fear for his cousin's safety. "STARR!!!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing with desperation.

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