Chapter 6: A Troubled Mind & Heart

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The format of the words is going to get a little weird so Here's something to help you out!

1. "Text"/"TEXT"/"~Text~" = Talking/blood curling screams/Singing

2. 'text' = Thoughts

3. Text/"Text" = Past actions or speech

4. 'Text= Beowulf talking

5. [Text] = calling

6. {Text} = texting

7. Text = Dreams


By the way, here's a timeline of events. (Reminder that for this story, the Vytal Festival will be taking place during the 2nd year of Beacon/the 2nd half of this story).

1. The Branwen Act takes place after Vol.1 but before and at the beginning of Vol.2.

2. The Pine, Spider, and Argus Acts will be during and after what is essentially Vol.2.

3. The Atlas Act will be during what would be Vol.3.

4. The Patch and Shade Acts will be After Vol.3 but before the 2nd year at Beacon (what would have been Vol.4)





Jaune looked around only to see pitch blackness all around, only able to see the shapes of trees, letting him know that he was in some sort of woodland area.


Jaune turned around quickly, looking around for the source of the voice. "Who's there!?" Jaune cried.


"Show yourself!" Jaune cried, still frantically looking around trying to figure out who was speaking and where they were coming from.

Suddenly, a hand popped out of the dirt and grabbed onto Jaune's ankle, Jaune looked down with a horrified look and saw that the hand looked decomposed, almost like a zombie. Jaune backed up but tripped and fell backward onto the ground, and when he did, more hands popped out of the ground and grabbed his arms and his legs, and all he could do was be frozen in horror.

Head and bodies finally rose from the dirt and looked at the blonde teen, their features were decomposed and rotting, and limbs, pieces of flesh, and hair were missing.

"Jaune!" cried one of the zombies, "Come with us Jaune!"

"Murderer!" shouted another, "You killed us!"

"You'll pay for what you did!" cried a third, "You'll burn in the abyss!"

Suddenly, two hands grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down to the ground and when Jaune looked up, he saw Shay, however, his head wasn't bashed in, giving the young man a clear view of the horrifying sight above him.

Shay was also zombie-like, his face was sunk in, his flesh rotting with maggots wiggling in his cheeks and around his eye, which were just empty voids of nothingness, and there were parts of his hair that were ripped out, leaving some exposed spots that also had flesh eaten away.

"You'll join us soon enough," Shay said with a sinister giggle.

He felt his entire body being pulled down into the dirt and Jaune did his best to free himself, but it was no use. Their rotting hands pulled him deeper into the soil, and all he could do was scream.

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