Chapter 29: Patched up

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"Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven" - Tryon Edwards


A/N: Sorry for posting this late, but Late night shifts fucking suck! Anyway! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!




The next day, Jaune slowly woke up from his sleep, feeling rather well rested, something he hadn't felt in a long time, mostly due to nightmares and the presence of the Beowulf, yet, no nightmares and he didn't feel the dark presence of the Beowulf. He got up and saw Deery still sleeping, cuddled up with Zwei and drooling on her pillow. Jaune smiled at the sight, reminding him of the times he had to wake up his younger sisters.

Jauen got up and went to grab his cloak and wrapped it around himself, he then reached to grab Crocea Mors, however, before he could fully grab it... he stopped.

Did he need to carry it at his side today?

'No...' Jaune thought as he moved his hand away, and turned back around and left the room. 'I don't need it today, we're safe here,' Jaune thought.

He walked outside of the room and then outside of the house, where he felt the cool morning air and saw the rays of sunshine peaking over the trees, and once again, a small and genuine smile graced his lips as he looked at the sight.

After taking a deep breath, he headed back inside and looked inside Tai's fridge and saw some eggs and sausage, he then looked to see some bread resting atop the microwave. It was there that he decided to cook breakfast for everyone else.

He then thought back to Saphron and how there were days when she would cook for the rest of their siblings, he thought back to how good her eggs were, and he also remembered the smiles of his family, the laughter and the joy they all shared.

Slowly, in Jaune's mind, the faces of his family shifted and turned into Vernal, Oscar, Maria, Deery, Robyn, Fiona, May, Joanna, Tai, and Zwei. The image of them all sitting around a table and eating while being happy and laughing made Jaune feel warm, something he had not felt in a long time...

It hadn't been that long since he felt such an emotion, yet it felt like it had. It felt as if the name of said emotion almost escaped his mind.


As he cooked, he heard someone sniffing and turned around only to see Tai, already dressed but still looking a little tired.

Tai greeted the young man with a smile, "Smells good,"

Jaunr smiled back at him, "Thanks," He said.

After Tai appeared, Jaune heard a groan from the couch, and sitting up was Qrow, who let out a groan and stood up to stretch.

Tai looked at him with a smile as he made some coffee, "Mornin' Qrow," He said.

"Morning," Qrow replied, he then sniffed the air and looked to see Jaune cooking. "Damn kid, that smells good, whatcha' making?"

"Eggs, sausage, and toast," Jaune replied.

Qrow smiled, "Been a while since I had some breakfast," He said.

Jaune continued to cook and once he was finished, Tai handed him some plates and he put the food on them and made a third, which was for Deery, who he then went to wake up, and she joined them for breakfast.

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