Chapter 22: A Deer in Headlights

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Update 14:

THE NIGHTMARE ACT IS FINISHED BEING PLANNED! HOORAY! NOW ONTO THE BLASPHEMUS ACT! WHOOHOO! Wait... Holy shit it's gonna be one of the longest Acts in the story! AAAHHH!

Anyway, Here are the updated chapters!

Part 1 Acts:

Atlas Act (Chapters 23-25)

Patch Act (Chapters 26-31)

Shade Act (Chapters 32-51)

Part 2 Acts:

Beacon Act (Chapters 52-60)

Nightmare Act (Chapters 61-65)

Blasphemous Act (Chapters 66-?)

Clipped Wings Act (Chapters ?)

Part 3 Acts:

The Ever-After Act (Chapters ?)

Sunshine Act (Chapters ?)







Down in Mantle, Jaune, Ciel, Winter, and Penny were at a local Huntsmen Bar where they were set to meet the Happy Huntresses, eventually, the huntresses arrived with Deery, who was still wearing her clothes but was sporting a Happy Huntress pin on her left breast and was armed with the weapons the other four Huntresses had.

Once the five Huntresses met with the other four, Robyn looked at Jaune with a raised brow, "What's this about?" She asked. "And why do we need them here?" She asked, gesturing toward WInter, Ciel, and Penny

Jaune sighed and looked at the older woman, "They're here because The General and I made a deal," Jaune said, "I help them find the White-Fang that are here in Atlas, they let me off for attacking those two over there," Jaune said, pointing at Penny and Ciel.

Hearing his first statement the Huntresses, and Derry most of all, were shocked to hear his swords.

"The White-Fang are here!?" Deery asked with shock. 'Why are they here!? I don't remember any operations supposed to take place here before I left!' Deery thought to herself, now listening intently to what was being said.

Jaune nodded, "Yeah, which is why the general offered me this deal, I was skeptical when he wanted you guys to join, and thought it was a trap, but after someone I trust told me he was telling the truth and a threat on my end, I agreed," He told her.

Robyn smiled when she heard the last part, "You threatened James?" She asked the younger man with a smirk.

Jaune nodded, "Said I would kill him if this was a trap," He replied.

Robyn chuckled, "You got guts kid," Robyn said. "Not everyone's brave enough to threaten the General of the Atlas Military and Headmaster of Atlas Academy, after all, James is known to be a hard ass," Robyn said.

Jaune nodded, "Definitely got that impression from him," He said with a smile.

Winter made a sound to catch the two's attention and when they looked at her, she began to speak. "I believe that's enough chit-chat, we have a mission," Winter's voice cut in.

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