Chapter 5: Birds of a feather

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Here are the updated chapters of the Acts!

Part 1:

Branwen Act (Finished after this Chapter)

Pine Act (Chapters 6-11)

Spider Act (Chapters 12-15)

Argus Act (Chapters 16-17)

Atlas Act (Chapters 18-25)

Patch Act (Chapters 26-31)

Shade Act (Chapters 32-?)

Side Note: Also I only have the simplified plots for the Part 2 Acts, and the names for them, but I don't have the chapters planned out. So I'll give you the names and the number of Acts that I have Semi-planned out (All while I'm still thinking about what part 3 is basically gonna be).

Part 2:

Beacon Act

Bonds Act

Blackbird Act

Beauty and Beast Act

Also, if you're wondering what Jaune's armors look like, go head to my DeviantArt and my Twitter, both under: RnR7575. It's a terrible edit/coloring but eh, work with what I got...





It was the day after the incident, and Jaune did not sleep, he watched over Vernal, making sure she was breathing and she was if the slow rhythmic rising of her chest was any indicator. He stayed awake to make sure that no more harm would come to them, most of all, Vernal. However, he then saw the light of the Sun begin to shine through the tent, and he looked over to Vernal, as she continued to sleep. He wanted to sleep, but at the same time, he knew he couldn't because he was afraid that Raven or any bandit would try and kill him and her.

And yet, he looked at his hands and his armor and saw the dried blood stained on it, his mind flashed back to his actions and the sounds of Shay's skull being bashed. Jaune remembered how he felt when he did it.

But quickly, he shook his head away from such thoughts and he decided to get out of the tent. Jaune looked around to see that no one was up yet and decided to head to the river in order to wash off his armor, shield, and his sword, He didn't want Vernal to see him like this, so he went back into the tent real quick to grab Crocea Mors and than made his way out of the camp and to the river. As he continued to leave, the entire camp was eerily silent, but he should have expected that it was very early in the morning, after all.

Jaune continued making his way to the river, and when he eventually arrives, he unstrapped his armor and washed it off in the river. He rubbed water on it and then lightly scrubbed it off with his hands, and eventually, the blood washed off, and he continued to clean it off until he heard the voice.

'Why didn't you kill her!?'

Jaune stopped washing his armor and looked to his right side only to see a Beowulf sitting next to him like a regular dog. It looked down at him with its yellow-reddish eyes.

Jaune looked back only to look away and returned to washing his armor, "Go away," Jaune told it

The Beowulf laughed loudly, to Jaune it was quite frighting to hear a Grimm laugh... even if that Grimm was simply a figment of his imagination.

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