Chapter 25: Ash Like Snow

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It was around nine O'clock in Mantle and inside the Happy Huntresses base, specifically, Robyn's Room, she was being informed of some bad news that had happened just yesterday.

[I'm sorry Robyn, I know how bad this is] Ironwood told her over the scroll.

Robyn lets out a sigh. She had just been informed of Bane-saw's escape and while she asked why she wasn't informed earlier, Ironwood said that he had his men look around Atlas for him and wanted to handle it themselves as they felt as if they owed the Huntresses and Jaune, but failed to find him, and she was slightly irritated, but understood.

"It's not as bad as it was thankfully, now we only have to deal with one or possibly two people, if someone did free him," Robyn said, "I'll let the others know, Jaune most of all... thank you, James," She finished.

[Of course] Ironwood replied [Did Will call you about Velvet coming?]

Robyn smiled "He did, and you can bet she's going to see her favorite Aunt," Robyn said with a chuckle.

Ironwood chuckled on the other end, [I know she will] He said, [I have to ask... have you considered my offer?] He asked.

Robyn once again, let out a sigh, "I need a little more time, James," Robyn said.

[I understand] He told her, [I will let you go... talk to you soon, Robyn] He said with a fond tone.

Robyn smiled softly, "Talk to you soon, James," She replied fondly.

With that, the call ended and Robyn walked outside of her room only to enter the common room where thankfully everyone was, Jaune was resting on the couch, still somewhat healing from yesterday's events.

He still had a few bandages around his body, still seemed to be sore, and unfortunately, he didn't have his armor as most of it was damaged by the fire and the collapse of the building. He still had his sword and shield, which was a bit surprising, but Jaune explained how long that sword had been around and heard that it was made way back in the Great War, which made sense, since back then, they really knew how to make weapons, how to make them last for centuries. As he was on the couch, Fiona and Deery were taking care of him, despite his insistence that he was fine and could take care of himself, meanwhile, Joanna and May seemed to be looking through the fridge and eating.

"Good, everyone's here," Robyn said aloud.

They all turned to her, wondering what she was going to say.

Robyn looked at them all, "Listen up, all of you, this is important, mostly for you, kid," Robyn said, looking at Jaune.

Jaune looked at her with a raised brow, "What's wrong?" He asked nonchalantly.

Robyn took a deep breath in before she spoke, "Bane-Saw escaped custody, as it turns out, someone set him free, and from what we can guess... he's coming after you," Robyn said. "Which means we all have to be on guard and make sure Jaune's alright,"

Jaune groaned, "I can take care of myself," Jaune said as he got up, only to slightly wince as he moved his arms.

"I think you mean you can still barely move," Fiona said sternly. "Despite you boosting your aura, you're body still needs rest,"

"I'll rest when Bane-Saw's taken care of, 'cause if he's still out there, he'll not only hunt down me, he'll keep going after the Ex-Fang members," Jaune said.

Robyn sighed, Jaune was stubborn and she knew he wasn't going to simply stay out of trouble. "Then how about this, you stay here, while the rest of us go out on Patrol," Robyn said.

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