Chapter 15: Come Join the Murder

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"I'm the Hunter and you're the hunted, that's all there is to it," - Thorfinn.


Update 12:

Good news! The planning for the 1st act of the 2nd part of the story, The "Beacon Act" is finished! The "Nightmare Act" is being planned out as we speak! Anyway! Here are the Updated Acts:

Part 1 Acts:

Spider Act: Chapters 12-15 (13-16 on A03)

Argus Act: Chapters 16-17 (18-19 on A03)

Atlas Act: Chapters 18-25 (20-26 on A03)

Patch Act: Chapters 26-31 (27-32 on A03)

Shade Act: Chapters 32-51 (33-52 on A03)

Part 2 Acts:

Beacon Act: Chapters 52-60 (53-61 on A03)

Also, I finally watched the RWBY and Justice League crossover movie, and I have to say, it was actually a fun watch but I need to get something off my chest...

How does Jaune have so much Rizz!? Like first he pulled Pyrrha! CRWBY's clearly going the WhiteKnight angle, meaning he's pulling Weiss! And now in the DC crossover, he's pulling Jessica! THAT'S MY FUCKING BOOOOY! Like, over on Tumblr, (Yes, I have Tumblr) there's some Jaune X Jessica stuff and I love it! Now I wanna write Fanfic about them! Seriously, there are so much good things about the Duo that I am now invested in the ship!

Also one of the ship names for them is KnightLight and I think that fits! Why am I such a sucker for DC/RWBY ships! UGH!

Anyway, let's stop talking about how happy I am to have a new Jaune Ship, and let's get back to me, twisting your emotions like a rag!





Vernal was running through the woods, she didn't know why, all she could feel was fear, fear of whatever was chasing her, she ran, and ran as fast as she could, but something, but she could still feel the presence behind her.

"I-I have to find Jaune! I have to Find Oscar! I have to find Maria!" Vernal cried to herself as she continued running.

She looked back only to see what appeared to be a Beowulf chasing her, and at first, she thought about just facing it, it was just one Beowulf, but when she tried to reach for her daggers they weren't there. Vernal was confused and shocked that they weren't there, and due to her surprise, she tripped over herself and fell to the ground hard.

Vernal groaned and rolled onto her back, only for Beowulf to pounce on her and fear entered her body, she froze and she couldn't move. Vernal's survival instincts kicked in and she grits her teeth and growls in anger as she kicked the Beowulf off of her and quickly got up.

"Get away from her!"

Vernal turned to her left to see Oscar with his sword raised and charing at the Beowulf.

Vernal's anger quickly turned back to fear, "OSCAR! NO!" Vernal cried as she ran to stop him.

Oscar went to swing at the Beowulf but it clawed him across the chest, and blood sprayed out of the younger teen's chest as he fell to the ground. Vernal's eyes widened with fear and she quickly kneeled down to look at the young boy as she held him in her arms.

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