Chapter 24: Beowulf on Fire

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@CryptidtheHunter: You'll find out in the next Act, promise!

@AntonioRush7: Thank you!

@Pawn22: Oh it will, and trust me, it's not going to be pretty.





"We've learned that the man Leading the Fang within Mantle is a man they call "Bane-Saw", and he's Adam's right-hand man and is just as dangerous and as ruthless as the man he works for," Winter said within the meeting room.

Deery's entire body froze when she heard who it was that was leading the Fang here in Mantle and she cursed her luck. She wished it was someone else, she wished it was Trifa because it was her, She may be able to talk to her, but no... it had to be the 3rd most worst person in the entire organization.

No one knew Bane-saw's true identity, his face was always hidden behind the mask, and no one even knew where he came from or how he joined. But there was always one story everyone heard about him.

The story of how he got his name within the organization.

He fought against Huntsmen and killed them, but he didn't stop there. With his Chainsaw, he cleaved their bodies apart and set every limb on the side of a well-known road, where everyone could see. It was said that after all of that, he only said one thing... 

.He was the Bane of Humans.

Since then everyone called him Bane-Saw and while some would laugh at such a name, those who knew the story didn't because it sent shivers down their bodies.

Jaune leaned next to her and whispered to her a question so that the others couldn't hear, "Is he really that bad?" He asked.

Deery nodded, "He's a monster and hates humans just as much as Adam, but unlike Adam, he doesn't give them a quick death... he'll cut off the limbs of people before finally killing them," She whispered back. 

Jaune simply nodded. "If we run into him, you run, he'll be my problem,"

Deery looked at him with wide eyes, She was in utter disbelief that Jaune was willing to fight Bane-Saw, everyone that fought him was dead, no survivors, and while she had never seen Jaune fight, she doubted that he could take on such a monster and Bane-Saw.

What Deery didn't know, was Jaune was just as much of a monster in his own right as Bane-Saw was in his.

"OH~! Are we finally going to hunt!? Are we finally going to taste blood~!?" The Beowulf asked as it sat behind Jaune.

Jaune ignored the beast, but to it, he had just given it an answer.

"Finally! Finally!" It cried "We're going to be tasting blood! WE'LL BE ON THE HUNT ONCE AGAIN!" The Beowulf cried again before disappearing.

Eventually, the meeting concluded and they were all sent back to rest for the night, but Winter had warned them to keep their guard up and their ears open. The Huntresses, Deery, and Jaune went back down to Mantle and headed home to the base. From what Jaune heard about Robyn's end of things, they managed to apprehend a few of the Fang that were planning something in the mines, but a few managed to get away. Jaune was sure that Bane-Saw heard and was on high alert, which was only going to make what he planned on doing a bit harder, but he could handle it.

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