Chapter 19: Mountain

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It was the day after Jaune was taken in by the Huntresses and he was given a spare room to himself. He got up and saw the base was empty, so he picked up his sword and strapped it to his belt and then he grabbed his cloak and wrapped it around himself as he walked outside, once outside, he that he was somewhere beyond the wall and noticed the Base was built into a small hill surrounded by some mountains. Jaune then looked forward where he saw the Huntresses were training, seeing Fiona and Joanna having a spar but is seemed like it was coming to an end as Fiona lost and she fell to the ground on her ass.

Robyn looked at the Sheep Faunus, "You gotta keep your defense up Fi," Robyn told her.

Fiona got up and nodded but then saw Jaune and smiled at him and greeted him with a wave, "Good Morning Jaune!" she said.

The other huntresses saw Jauen and they smiled at him, and Robyn walked over to him.

"How are you feeling, Jaune?" Robyn asked.

"Better," Jaune replied, "All healed up thanks to my Semblance,"

Robyn smiled, "Some semblance you have then," She said,

Jaune nodded.

Robyn smiled at him and looked to see he was fully dressed and had his sword at his side. "Would you care for a spar?" She asked, twirling her staff.

Jaune looked at the Huntress with a raised brow, "With you?" He asked.

Robyn nodded, "Yes," She replied, "I'd actually like to see what you're made of, you may be able to fight Grimm, but can you hold yourself against a trained Huntress?" She asked

Jaune looked at her and nodded, sure he could put up a fight, after all, he had been training with Vernal and had faced multiple threats and could've overpowered, he was sure he could put up a fight against Robyn, "Alright," Jaune said.

Robyn nodded and they both \walked over to the front of the base while the other Huntresses stepped to the sidelines and prepared to watch the fight.

May looked at her teammates and smiled, "25 Lien on Robyn kicking his ass with ease," May said.

Joanna chuckled, "I ain't even gonna take that bet," Joanna replied.

Fiona looked at May, "I bet 25 Lien that Jaune puts up a good fight," Fiona said.

May looked at Fiona, "Wanting to see your crush in action again, eh Fi?" May asked

Fiona blushed, "I-I don't have a crush on him!" She cried.

May rolled her eyes, "Sure, whatever you say~!" May teased.

Fiona growled in frustration as her blush grew.

Joanna patted May's arm and then pointed at Jaune and Robyn, "Fight's about to begin," She said.

The three Huntresses watched as Jaune and Robyn had their weapons at the ready and prepared for a fight, and Jaune was going to put everything he had into the fight, and his eye met with Robyn's, and when she too met his gaze, she simply smiled softly at him.

Jaune was a bit confused by her expression but didn't have time to think about it as she quickly fired two bolts at him, quickly he raised his shield and blocked the attack, once the attack struck, he lowered his shield only to see Robyn rushing toward him and he decided to rush at her with his sword at the ready, and when he was close he swung at her but she slid underneath the attack and once behind Jaune, she struck him in the back, causing him to stumble forward.

Jaune quickly turned around and swung his sword at her but she blocked his attack and quickly pushed his sword away and managing to use the other end of her staff to strike Jaune.

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